Was he upset or angry!

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Chapter 17:


I heard exactly what she said to Harry. If she said that to me... Well I don't know what is do. Ever since I met her all of my thoughts have revolved around her. I could feel everything she felt.

Seriously... That's my 'talent' personally I would call it a curse but whatever.

I knew she had feelings for Harry. But had to turn them off! She was right, he wasn't good for her. I also know that she has VERY strong feelings for Niall. I mean yeah, I get that! Their perfect for each other. But I don't know I just have to love the girl that is also all wrong for me! Her and Niall on the other hand are like.... Well I was told when they where kids that they where inseparable ...... So I guess they just picked up from where they left off. But I had to put my foot in it all and kiss her! Now everything is so complicated. The good thing was I could tell she had feelings for me too! It makes me smile every time I think of that and then I remember how strong her feelings where for Niall and my smile drifts away.

I'm sitting here looking at how her and Niall are sitting on the sofa. Her head on his lap looking up at him. Him looking down at her as they laugh at the funny faces Niall makes. Throwing popcorn at each other while they 'watch' the movie we rented. It was prom night. One of mine and Nialls favorite movies. It was a horror movie. But neither of them where watching the movie.

I really wish that was me and Amy...

I was sitting on the other sofa in the sitting room with a Liam and Louis. It was quite funny how every time some one died louis flinched.Liam's always like "it's okay remember this is all fake!" . I would simply smile at how immature these boys can be sometimes..

But there's still not a sign of Harry. I wonder if he is angry or upset? If he's angry both me and Niall are in trouble but if he's upset he's going to head straight into depression! And I love Harry (as a mate!) I can't watch him go through so much pain over a girl that won't be his!

Not again.


I had to get out of here! Get from all of this for a while well less than 3 hours considering school starts at nine and it's 6:00am now. The others are down stairs watching some horror movie so the shouldn't be able to hear me jump out the window. I put my hands on the window sill and jumped out the window. To Land safely on the ground. And make a run for it before any of them see me! My room is right on top of the sitting room where they all where. I couldn't hear any thoughts about me so obviously they didn't see me.

NIALLS POV: I was watching prom night well when I say watching prom night I mean looking at how perfect my bestfriend was. When I heard a window open and what sounded like someone land on the ground. I looked out the window to see Harry running away? What is he doing? We have school at 9!

But that's Harry for you..

Haha, he'll probably come into school at like 11 and apologise to whatever teacher we have like "sorry ms. I really didn't mean to be late!" When In reality he gets so moody it scares me!

I then noticed that Amy must of heard my thoughts because she was looking out the window with a worried look. "W-was that harry?" She stuttered

"Yeah, I think so!" I whispered back. I think we should follow him! I thought. I heard her reply yeah we really should, come on! She stood up and walked out the door I waited a while (about 10mins) before going outside myself so it didn't look suspicious and walked out the door and followed her lovely rose like sent.

I found her lying on the ground...

Before I could help her. Harry came out from behind a tree and said "you had to mess things up didnt you?" Before I could answer he held some kind of pole and was hitting me over the head continuously I tried to fight back I pulled a thick branch off a tree and hit him in the head but before I could do it a second time I blacked out.

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