Will she fall for him?

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Chapter 7


I couldn't explain how cross I was with Harry! Look what he made me!! I hadn't said a word to either of them because the thirst was so much for me, I even shocked myself what I had done to those men. I mean... I KILLED THEM

But I can't believe I'm going to say this, but they where actually really tasty, the hot, red, sweet liquid straight from the vein.. It Just made my mouth water.... It was wrong. I looked them in the eye and watched them die! I mean I am a murderer. Just less than 3 hours ago I was just like them. I can't discribe the guilt I feel.

Back to my anger at Harry. I was furious but I couldn't hurt him,he was just too perfect I was drawn to him. It was kind of like a magnetic pull.

I don't know what exactly it was.. But I was physically pulled by him, like with an imaginary rope or something! I would have just let them leave me on the cliff if it weren't for that!


Amy was beautiful! She was so perfect (even before the change!) although she probably won't talk to me for at least 50 years, ha . I wanted her. She was perfect I every way. I know it sounds crazy considering I met her yesterday but I think I might actually Be attracted to her. That's not a good thing because She was Nialls human crush and he would kill me if I where to ask her out! Ah well at least I'd know she'd say no. I sighed in the thought that the only girl I've ever fallen for hates me and she knows me 2 days!

Damn.. Why do I fuck up everything?

Niall and myself have convinced Amy to stick with us and we will show her how to hunt properly and control herself. Basically adapt to everything new. But the weird thing is, she didn't argue about it! She just nodded and agreed to stay with us...

Weird right?!

We where now walking back to Niall's in silence until I broke it ...

"So it's 8:55 now are we going to school? Or are we just gonna ditch?" Niall didn't answer as he was probably going to kill me for what I did to Amy. So I turned around to Amy and she mumbled "I don't think ill bear to be able to around humans just yet" she was still quite cross at me too. "Okay that settles it we aren't going to school then" I said.



Fuck him.

Fuck him.

Fuck him.

How could he do that to me!? He knew I liked her and he went and bit her! (If someone bites you it means you are technically tied to them for at least 6months ,it's sort of like a magnetic pull. So I know that's why she stayed, and jumped down off the cliff.... Even though I like to think it was my reverse psycology) I know that's not long but it will feel like forever to me. I still wonder how I got through three years without her!

Even her presence gives me butterfly's..

Damn, that's what this girl does to me!? I hope she falls for me as hard as I fell for her......

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