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siena's pov

i came downstairs in my sweats to grab a quick snack, since food is only thing that gets me through the endless studying that my dad makes me do.

but, i slowed down as i reached the bottom because i was surprised to see jack stood by the door.

"i can't believe that you actually agreed to help my dad" i said, as i began to approach him.

"well, he's paying me good money for a simple job and plus i get to see your pretty face everyday" he winked.

i straightened up my posture to hide the fact that i practically swooned on the inside and was beginning to blush like i did last night.

"don't just think that i've forgotten about your insults yesterday".

"aw come on, it was joke. can't rich, stuck up girls take jokes?".

his repeated insult aggravated me even more, that i folded my arms to hold myself back from slapping him.

"see, there's that cute face again" jack pointed out and i gave him a sarcastic smile, just as my dad entered the room.

"siena, what have i told you about wearing such clothing? please can you change and get back to studying?" he told me, as i subtly pulled down on the hem of my cropped hoodie.

"and jack, how about you grab some of those boxes over there and take them to the garage" my dad ordered. "i'll be right behind you, i just have to send an important email".

"no problem, mr edwards. you take as much time as you need" jack assured him.

"wow, kiss up much?" i smirked.

"wow, stuck up much?" he retaliated, before holding onto the sides of his grey hoodie and pulling it over his head.

he dropped it in front of me, so my arms instinctually caught it and let his scent wave over my nose.

when i looked up, my eyes instantly locked on his firm muscles, that were on show from the tank top that he was wearing. my heart rate drastically increased and i cleared my throat to shy away the fact that i was becoming breathless.

jack bent down to successfully lift two boxes - his veins suddenly covered his tense arms, as he glanced back to catch my focus still on him.

he chuckled lightly and managed to open the front door with one hand, "you might as well tell me that you're impressed".

"well, you might as well admit that you're cocky".

"hey, you're the one drooling over my arms, not me" he shrugged, just as i frustratedly threw his hoodie over his shoulder and made my way to the kitchen like i intended to.


for about a year now, i've managed to become a pro at operation: get out and get in, which is basically code for sneaking out of the house without my parents noticing and coming back in like nothing ever happened.

when i turned eighteen, i assumed that my parents would at least give me some sort of freedom or at least give me a later curfew when it comes to parties. but being home by six just didn't work for me.

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now