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jack's pov +

i tugged my fingers through my hair as i tiredly came downstairs in the morning. i wanted to make some coffee for siena and i since we both haven't managed to get much sleep lately.

it's been two days since the aquarium incident happened. on the outside, i'm at least acting like i'm coping but i can clearly tell that siena isn't.

she'd rather stay in bed most of the day, she isn't her bubbly and talkative self anymore and she usually says about three words to me everyday.

it hurts to see her like this, but i just hope that we both find a way to move on and not let this affect our future together.

as i came past the living room, i turned on the tv before i entered the kitchen to make those coffees.

i could hear the news opening music starting up whilst i worked the coffee machine and grabbed two cups.

"...two days ago, a security guard from newdale aquarium was reported missing" i heard the female news reader say, causing me to promptly re-enter the living room.

a personal picture of the security guard smiling was shown on the screen as the news reader continued.

"...he was supposed to be on the nightshift and was not seen or heard from by colleagues and his family the following morning".

i sat down on the arm rest of the couch, listening closely to what was being said to make sure that my plan with skeez actually worked out.

"news reports from last night say that two hikers found a body in the woods and it has now been identified as the same aquarium security guard. forensics are saying that he suffered from a head injury and—".

i instantly grabbed the remote and switched channels as i heard siena coming down the stairs. when she came into the room, i gave her a smile as she returned a small one back.

"good morning" i coughed.

"morning" she wrapped her blanket tightly around her body as she stood in a tank top and shorts.

i held my arms out for her to come closer to me as i stayed seated. she stood before me whilst i wrapped my arms around her.

"i'm sorry, did i wake you?" i asked.

she shook her head, burying it into the dip of my shoulder, "no".

"you could have stayed in bed, i would have bought you some coffee".

siena slowly pulled away from my hold, "no, i can do it myself. thanks any ways".

she left me to go into the kitchen and i sighed and scratched my neck at her blunt and distant behaviour, feeling incredibly guilty for it.


as the day quickly passed, siena and i were sitting comfortably on the couch together, watching some chick-flick movie that we found on the tv.

i stroked her hair as she lay her head on my chest until the doorbell rang and interrupted the intense, romantic moment between the tv characters.

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now