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siena's pov

i was sitting on my bed, tapping my pen against my cheek as i had a bunch of homework spread out around me.

my current focus was on algebra and solving all of these equations that looked almost impossible, whilst regretting taking it as an ap class.

although, i soon got distracted when i heard sounds of a small object being thrown against my window. i shook my head and took no notice of it, until it carried on and began getting on my nerves.

i quickly rose from my bed, marching over to the window and lifted it up so it opened. my eyes instantly diverted down to where i saw jack standing at the bottom and looking up at me.

"try not to break a fucking window, romeo" i loudly whispered. "what are you still doing here?".

"what are you doing right now?" he called out in the same level of whisper as me.

"algebra, european history, the cello...".

he dropped his shoulders, "hang out with me, i'm bored".

i lightly laughed at how cute he was and blushed at how he came to me to relieve his boredom.

"did you not hear the amount of homework that i have?" i questioned him.

"well then, can i at least come in?" jack suggested.

i raised my brow, "you want to watch me struggle to simplify quadratics?".

"it's a dream of mine" he opened his arms up.

i smiled whilst shaking my head, "fine, come up then" i said, opening the window as far as i can so he could get in.

there's no way that my parents would let jack up here if he used the front door, so sneaking in was the only way.

once jack reached the top, he stepped through the window with a loud thud and i immediately shushed him.

"my parents are just downstairs and isabella's next door!" i quietly informed him.

jack ignored my words and shut the window behind him. he took off his leather jacket, whilst his eyes panned around my room - the posters, the vanity, the walk-in wardrobe, the white and black themed walls.

"so this is your room?" he said as i sat down on my bed. "i always pictured it differently".

i narrowed my brows with a smile on the corner of my lips, "you picture my bedroom?".

he carelessly shrugged, "always, and i just add my own touch of me and you in your bed" jack teased and i chuckled, looking back down at my books.

"you're an idiot" i told him, before he dropped himself on my bed beside me.


numerous minutes past and it consisted of me being focused on my homework and jack sitting back against my headboard, watching me struggle from behind.

he suddenly sighed a loud, "siena, talk to me".

"can't, i'm writing the last paragraph to my essay" i said without looking up from my laptop.

"forget the essay" he groaned.

"says the guy who has already graduated".

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now