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siena's pov

i was instantly awoken by the sounds of jack fidgeting restlessly in bed.

i blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to the morning light and turned over, with the sheets covering my body, to see what seemed like him having a bad dream.

"jack?" i gently touched his arm and he suddenly jolted, waking up with sweat lightly dripping from his forehead and his eyes darting around the room.

"hey, are you okay?" i asked. "did you have a nightmare?".

onve his eyes landed on me, his body relaxed and let out a sigh as he lay back on the pillow and pushed his hair back.

"no, i'm fine. it's nothing" he brushed it off like he always does lately.

"are you sure? you seemed really freaked out about something" i told, then softly stroked his cheek. "you can tell me".

"honestly siena, it's no big deal. everyone has a nightmare every once in a while" jack replied.

and he was right. but sooner or later, i'm going to have to get to the bottom of these moments when he acts so on edge because i'm struggling to understand it.

i nodded my head to accept his words, before his hand soothed down my hair.

"any ways, i'm sorry. did i wake you?" he questioned.

"no, i was basically awake" i moved closer to him so that i could lay on his chest.

his arms instinctually wrapped around me and we laid like this for while as he lightly stroked my shoulder. soon, i looked up at him and bit my lip.

"about last night," i began.

he lifted himself up a little in surprise, "don't tell me you regret it".

"no, no way. i was gonna say the opposite" i denied, tracing my finger on his bare chest. "it was great, really great".

"well, i'm glad i made my baby feel good" jack smirked, leaning forward to kiss me before i returned back to my favourite position of lying in his arms.

"when i woke up, for a second i forgot that we were even here" i said. "i was expecting to be lying in my room and ready for the bullshit that the day would bring, but nothing. and it just made me think of how surreal this all still is to me".

"me too" he agreed. "but just imagine us weeks from now, we could move on to somewhere really hot or really cold".

his words excited me a little, so i propped myself up on my elbows and rested my chin on my locked hands.

"really? like where?" i wondered.

"well for hot, maybe cabo or brazil or we could go to europe and go to a place like greece" jack suggested. "live in those white buildings in santorini or maybe even go down to australia".

i stared at him in awe, admiring how he's already thought about all of these places that we could possibly go together and build our future.

"and then somewhere cold?".

jack hesitated for a second, then suddenly reached an idea, "there's canada...maybe russia, finland or antartica?".

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now