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siena's pov

my daily runs usually consist of going past the basketball court, down to the park, past the benches and finally back to my neighbourhood.

but as i began approaching the courts, my attention diverted to a young man playing basketball alone.

i paused my music and squinted my eyes, as i started to recognise that it was jack.

i haven't spoken to him ever since that day where he overreacted about derek.

he was supposed to come to my house and help my dad yesterday, but for some reason, he never showed up.

i mean even though i'm still quite angry at him, he shouldn't be so childish and let that effect him working for my dad.

after watching jack shoot a few hoops in his loose muscle tee and sweaty hair. i was about to continue on my run, until i realised that maybe even i overreacted the other day.

i don't know, i guess in some way, you could say it was nice that he cared.

i came onto the court, walking closer towards him whilst he dribbled the ball and blankly glanced at me.

"hey" i said, though his attention looked more focused on throwing the ball into the basket. "what are you doing here?".

"this neighbourhood has a better court than mine, but i thought you didn't want to hear my bullshit any ways?".

i folded my arms across my chest, "i don't, but that doesn't mean that you don't have to come and work for my dad".

he scoffed at my words, "you really think that i didn't come yesterday because of the argument that we had?".


"then what was it?" i asked, interrupting him from throwing the ball. he paused, looking down at the object in his hands then shook away his thoughts.

"don't worry about it" he mumbled and i furrowed my eyebrows.

"okay, i won't...for now" i told, settling my things down and grabbing the ball off jack. "if i win, you have to tell me".

"that's not going to happen" he sniggered as he reached his hand out for the ball back.

i raised my brow at him, bouncing the ball in front of me until he finally let out a small chuckle, "okay. deal" he agreed.

i dribbled the ball one last time, then easily threw it and scored a basket. i gave jack a smug look and his shock at my goal suddenly switched into shrugging his shoulders.

"beginner's luck" he suggested.

"who said i was a beginner?" i questioned, instantly blocking him again and shooting once more. "does beginner's luck count for two scores or?".

i snickered at jack's loss, but he straightened up and stretched out his upper body. soon enough, he finally managed to get the ball off me and threw it into the hoop from an impressively far distance.

"now that's how you shoot a hoop" he spoke through an egotistical smile, causing me to heavily roll my eyes.

i immediately knew that i needed to do something better than shooting from a far distance, so i dodged the ball off him and faced away from the basket.

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now