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after jack and i danced to the second song, avery hurried over to us and linked her arm around mine.

"jack, do you mind?" she said, referring to me. he shook his head as i stared at her questioningly, before she pulled me along with her.

"where are we going?" i asked as we made our way through the crowd.

"i want you to meet these really cool guys that we just met" she told me over the music, as we approached three fairly good-looking guys in the corner, who were currently talking to tiana.

"hey," one with small, dark curls said to me, as he took a sip from his red cup. "i really liked your dancing out there".

"oh, thanks" i nodded.

"so you from around here?".

"no, we're all from calabasas".

"so you're a bunch of rich chicks?" he assumed with a smirk settled on his lips.

i creased my brows, "not necessarily, there's a lot to me than just money".

"oh, so what you're saying is that i just need to get to know you" the guy placed his arm around my shoulder.

"um, i guess so" i answered, whilst cautiously waiting for him to remove his arm so that i didn't have to rudely do it myself.

"so who was that guy that you were dancing with? is he your boyfriend or something?".

i bit my lip, since i wasn't sure which way to go about this question, "it's-it's complicated".

he raised his eyebrow, "how complicated?".

"i don't know, it's just...".

"complicated?" the guy answered for me and i nodded my head. "well, just know that i'm not a complicated person. so if you and i were together, you'd know".

i awkwardly smiled at the comment, then subtly looked around the room to see where jack had disappeared to, and if he was hopefully not watching.

"so, i never caught your name. i'm jordan" he placed his cup down and held out his hand.

"siena" i replied, shaking his large hand with mine.

"that's a great name".

i shook my head to disagree, "no, not really" i said, before jordan suddenly lifted his finger to my chin, to face him.

"i'm not lying" he whispered but before i could reply, he was suddenly grabbed away from me just by his shirt.

"what the hell do you think you're doing? don't touch her!" jack spat as he held jordan tightly up against the wall.

"jack!" i yelled at him.

jordan chuckled in his face, "yo, chill. i can touch who the fuck i want, including this hot blonde hoe over here".

at that moment, jack swung his fist and punched him in the face, before jordan retaliated and caused them to start brawling on the ground.

some people began chanting for the fight to continue until jack's friends finally appeared and attempted to separate them.

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now