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siena's pov

my eyes fluttered open to the light shining through the extremely thin curtains in this hotel room.

i took a small sigh of relief as i was glad that everything that happened last night wasn't just some crazy dream that i had. this was real, it was happening and i couldn't be more happy.

i turned over in the bed and jack was still fast asleep beside with his lips a little parted. i smiled lightly at how peaceful he looked until one of his eyes peeped open.

"were you watching me sleep?" he murmured, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.


"yes, you were" he chuckled with that cocky smirk sitting on his lips.

i pushed his shoulder back, "shut up, i wasn't".

"well, i could feel you watching me so you woke me up" jack explained, cupping his hands underneath his head and trying to go back to sleep again.

"no, you need to wake up any ways" i nudged him.

"but it's like 11am" he said with his eyes still closed.

"exactly, we woke up late. we still need to think of a plan" i rolled him over, so he was lying on his back and i climbed onto his lap.

he sat up a little, tugging his fingers through his hair, "i already have a plan...well, not a plan, just a place to stay for a while".

i cocked my head back in surprise, "since when?".

"since three am" he replied. "i couldn't sleep, so i started texting this friend of mine and he's got this really cool, empty, vacation cabin in nevada. we can stay there just as long as we pay him $100, clean up before we leave and don't loose the spare key".

i couldn't help but grin at his words. i was so worried that we'd be sitting here for hours, agreeing and disagreeing on suggestions until we couldn't take the pressure anymore.

"i-i can't believe you did that" i told him.

"well, it was worth it. i mean, we can't be living off cheap hotels everyday" he intertwined one of our hands then rubbed my back with the other. "so are you up for a ten hour road trip with me?".

"nope, i don't think so" i teased.

he licked his lips, "oh, really?".

"no, you're way too annoying for that".

"is that so?" he questioned and before i knew it, he started tickling my side so that i climbed off him and fell back onto the bed.

i squirmed beneath him in fits of laughter as he continued, but jack finally slowed down once he was hovering over me. he smiled lightly and bought his head down more to gently kiss my lips.

"we better start going then" i said once he pulled away, stroking the back of his head.

"or we can just keep doing this" jack whispered, giving me another kiss.

i hummed at how soft his lips were, but being able to kiss him all day wasn't our priority right now.

"you know very well that i would, but we still need to shower too" i held his chest back before he could start working on my neck.

jack sighed, then rolled off me, "fine, fine" he said and i let him go in to use the shower first.


jack's pov

before siena and i could start our journey to a different state, we needed to make sure that the gas was pretty full since we didn't know where the next stop could be.

after filling up the tank, i came over to the open passenger seat window.

"i'm going to go pay, do you need anything?" i asked siena whilst i leant my arms against the door.

"um..." she hesitated with her eyes slightly squinting. "surprise me".

i chuckled as she handed me my wallet, "okay, but don't complain if you don't like it".

i entered the store and grabbed four water bottles from the fridge, a bag of cheetos to share and searched for a packet of reese's for siena.

i finally found them then waited in the queue that already had two other people waiting. i glanced over at siena in the car and bit down on my lip to suppress the smile that was forming.

there's just way too much havoc back home that i was not prepared to deal with, and everything just seemed to always go wrong, except for siena.

leaving california behind is one thing that i've been planning for years, but now i finally get to do it alongside the first girl that i have genuinely cared about in so long.

whilst trapped in my thoughts, i never realised that i was next in line. so, i stepped forward and placed my items down for the cashier to scan.

i looked back over at the car and this time, siena was talking to some young guy through the window. i couldn't make out who it was, but my heart beat suddenly sped up and the worst came to mind as she pointed over to me in the store.

"that'll be $5.25" the cashier interrupted my reverie and i handed him ten dollars, whilst still watching the random conversation and needing to get out there now.

"you know what? keep the change" my impatient-self said, grabbed the bag of items.

i promptly left the store in time for the young guy to walk away from the car and look at me briefly.

"who-who were you just talking to?" i inquired, getting into the driver's seat and handing siena the bag.

"some guy" she shrugged.

i looked through the rearview mirror to see if he had disappeared, "well, what did he say? was he asking you any questions?".

"yeah, about directions" siena chuckled lightly.

"but how comes you pointed to me while i was in the store?".

she took a quick sip of the water, "because i told him that you'd most likely know more than me, but he was in a hurry and couldn't wait anymore".

"are you sure that's it?" i asked.

"yes, i'm sure" she frowned at me in confusion, as i exhaled and finally relaxed in my seat. "jack, are you okay? you seem really jumpy?"

i nodded my head, "i'm fine, promise. any ways, did you see what i got you in the bag?".

she looked back inside, taking out the packet of cheetos and clutched them to her chest, "ugh, you know me so well".

"yeah, right. those are for both of us" i said, snatching them off her and settling it between us. "the reese's are for you".

"oh well, the jokes on you because i like reese's too" she stuck her tongue out at me and i chuckled at the grin on her face as she began opening the chocolate.


next chapter will be up very soon. sorry if this was really short - i just didn't want to post a twenty five page long chapter ily

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