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a week sped by and jack and i have become much closer.

we're at a level where i'd consider asking him where our relationship stands, because i know for a fact that we're not just friends. or at least we can't be.

but with my parents, they're completely clueless to what we get up to.

there was one point where they were questioning why i would invite jack to come over and hang out, so we had to tone it down and just stick to sneaking around after hours.

there's just no way that my parents would understand. they see jack and i as completely different people, and are set on me being with someone like kyle.

but in my opinion, it wouldn't be the worst thing if they found out - it's just jack, whose cautious that my dad would get angry and fire his dad or whatever.

it was saturday morning and i could hear the door bell ring, as i changed into my clothes in my room.

"siena! it's your boyfriend!" i heard isabelle shout, so i quickly threw on my top and hurried downstairs.

"issy, shut up!" i whispered to her once i reached the door. i let jack slip through the door until my eyes focused on the large bruise on the side of his face.

"jack? w-what happened to you?" i grabbed onto his arm as i shut the door behind him.

"it was nothing, don't worry" he muttered and gave me an reassuring smile.

"isabelle, why did—jack, what on earth happened?" my dad also came in and questioned as he took off his reading glasses to get a better look.

"i just hit it when i was working," jack explained to him. "you know, with the machinery and stuff. it's not a big deal".

from the tone of his voice, i could instantly tell that what he saying was bullshit.

"okay, well i was wondering if you can work by yourself for a while today" my dad told him. "i have a quick meeting with an employee soon".

jack nodded his head, "sure".

without a single second of eye contact with me, jack walked behind me to head out the door again to the garage.

a few minutes later, i followed him out there to get a real explanation of his bruise. i stood behind him as i waited for him take off his hoodie.

"your sister's cute by the way," he snickered, throwing the clothing to the side. "with how she thinks i'm your boyfriend".

i wasn't in the mood for his jokes until i found out the truth, so i folded my arms tightly across my chest.

he observed my expression then knitted his eyebrows together, "what's up with you?" jack asked as he went over to search through the tool box.

"what really happened to your face?" i confronted him and he halted his movement for a brief second, then continued to brush it off.

"what are you talking about?".

i rolled my eyes, "jack, someone punched you, okay. i'm not stupid".

he looked up at me then licked lips, "okay fine, someone punched me".


"one of my friends - it was a petty argument that just got a little out of hand" jack explained. "but i mean if you think this is bad, you should see him".

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now