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i chucked the two bags underneath my bed and dropped down on top of my bedsheets, pulling my hands through my hair.

i let out a loud sigh as the only thing on my mind now was my mom, and how different things would be if she was still here.

but that was the last thing that i wanted to be thinking about, so i took my phone out of my pocket and searched for siena's number in my contacts list.

i cleared my throat, "hey" i spoke after the call stop ringing and rested my free hand beneath my head.

"are you calling to apologise?".

"apologise for what?".

"for running out on me at the froyo place" she reminded.

"oh, yeah. sorry about that, i just really needed to sort something out" i vaguely told her.

she exhaled and took a long pause, "okay, whatever. it's fine, i get it" siena thankfully accepted until i sighed whilst we both breathed down the phone.

"jack, what's wrong?" she suddenly asked. "you seem a little, i don't know, off".

i licked my lips, "how?".

"well for one, when i asked if you called to apologise, i'd expect you to make some sarcastic or cocky comment" she chuckled and i lightly did too.

"i don't know, i guess it's because my dad's just being a dick today".

she huffed, "i am way too familiar with those".

"with what? dad's being annoying or dicks?" i raised my eyebrows, before siena laughed through the phone and i could only imagine her rolling her eyes right now.

"with dad's being annoying, idiot" she giggled. "but what did he do any ways?".

"it's a long story, but let's just say that he hasn't been very good at compromising with me ever since my mom died".

i shut my eyes and face palmed, once i realised that i've never mentioned to siena, the fact that i lost my mom when i was fifteen.

"oh. i'm...i'm sorry. i never knew" she softly apologised.

"shit" i quietly muttered, pulling my fingers through my hair.

i hate having people feel pity for me, because that's all i ever experienced between the ages of fifteen to sixteen.

so it's easier to just not meet new people. because new people means more people, who i will have to eventually explain all of my past to.

but with siena, i feel like i have no choice. she definitely someone that i'm not planning on getting rid of anytime soon so i'll have to tell her the truth one day - about everything actually.

just not yet.

"are you okay?" she questioned, though i thought that i didn't curse loud enough for her to hear.

"yeah, i just remembered something that i have to do" i responded, sitting up on my bed.

"oh, now?" her voice evidently sounded disappointed.

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now