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everything was pitch black.

but music continuously blared in the background and i could still hear a large amount of voices, and objects crashing against things.

i opened my eyes, realising that i was still at the party that my friends brought me to, but i was sitting on the couch surrounded by complete strangers.

i slowly stood up, the empty bottle of alcohol rolling off my lap, as i became even more enclosed by the humid, marijuana-infested air.

i tried to look over people's heads for tiana or avery, or even kyle. someone that i could at least recognise. but nothing.

i began walking through the unknown crowd to get outside - some were reluctant to let me go by as they continued dancing, and others were just acting as if i were invisible when i asked for my friends' whereabouts.

all i actually wanted was to be home right now, because the amount of alcohol that i surprisingly drank tonight was starting to make me feel sick.

once i reached outside the house, i searched for my phone through my bag and realised that i only had 10 percent battery left.

"shit" i cursed to myself.

i wasn't going to waste time calling my friends, as the noise in the house would make it impossible for them to hear their phones.

but it was 1am, i have no car and i'm not about to call my parents for help.


jack's pov

a vibrating sound on my nightstand quickly awakened me -  i moved my hand around it without opening my eyes and finally caught the ringing phone.

i didn't bother checking the caller id, but clicked answer straight away and held the phone up to my ear.

"hello?" i groggily spoke.

"jack, it's me. siena" she said and i took the phone away from my ear to check the time.

"and it's almost two in the fucking morning".

"i know, but i-i'm at this party and i can't find my friends - everyone's just drunk and high and i'm really scared" she panicked and i sat up quickly. "i don't know who else to call, my parents don't know that i'm here—".

i pulled the covers off me and sat on the edge of the bed, "okay, just calm down and tell me where you are siena".

"i'm in glendale".

my eyes widened at the hour distance, "wow. okay, i'll be right there, just don't move" i assured her as i stood to throw on a shirt, pants, shoes and grab my car keys.

after driving for what felt like forever, i reached the address that siena texted to me and instantly jumped out of the car, locking it behind me.

as i rushed towards the house that was screaming with music, i briefly examined the semi-crowded front lawn for any sign of siena, but there was no luck.

with all the red cups, blunts and alcohol lying around, this obviously must be one of those crazy college parties. but what the hell was siena even doing at a place like this?

i hastily opened the unlocked door, coming in contact with the large, sweaty crowd, as i aimed to look around them.

"excuse me, have you seen siena?" i asked one dancing boy and girl, but they shook their heads.

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now