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siena's pov +

i walked out of the bedroom, rubbing my sleepy eyes as i'd just woken up from a nap. i could here jack talking downstairs and then a few other familiar voices.

"hey, sorry. did we wake you?" jack gently took my hand when i walked up to the couch where he sat opposite johnson, nate and sammy.

"no, i wasn't that tired any ways" i pulled my jumper sleeves over my pale hands. "what are you guys talking about? do you have a plan yet?".

"you guys are heading to france" johnson informed, taking me by surprise. "my cousin's a real estate agent there and there's a house you can stay in, but only for a few months before the owners move in".

"france?" i recalled then glanced at jack. "wow, that's so far away".

he turned to me more and rubbed his hands against my thighs, "hey, you don't have to do anything you don't want to, baby".

"no, i know" i gave him an assuring smile. "but what about the airports? what if there's police or security that recognise us?".

"you guys are just gonna have to keep your heads down and take the risk, right?" sammy somewhat chuckled. "i mean, how else are you going to get on a flight?".

"leon took most of our savings, so i sold my half of the garage and got quite a lot from that" jack explained to me, unzipping a duffel bag with a bunch of loose cash.

"we've already booked your flights for this evening. we tried to go for the least connections so that you don't spend so much time around the public" nate added.

"once you get to france, my cousin will be waiting for you guys and you'll be in good hands with him - you can trust him" johnson nodded before i took a deep breathe.

"i can't believe that this is happening. do avery and tiana know?" i wondered, exchanging looks with them all.

"i think it's best that they don't" jack answered for them. "just until we settle in europe".

i frowned, "why? your friends know?".

"yes but your parents aren't going to interrogate them to spilling where we are" jack retorted in a hostile manner.

i sat back in my seat, folding my arms across my chest with annoyance.

"siena, look at me" jack lightly pulled my arm to sit up again. "we can do this. just remember, you and me, somewhere hot or somewhere cold. we're just starting again".

i stared into his eyes, seeing how scared yet determined he was to do this. i was scared too, frightened actually, but this was my idea. i just want to do whatever we can to stop the police from getting to jack.

"i'll be right back. just gonna head to the bathroom" he told us all and stood to head upstairs.

i stayed seated amongst jack's friends, feeling my thoughts chaotically circle my head whilst a silence drifted through the room.

"are you okay?" sammy must have noticed my worried facial expression that i was quite frankly unaware that i was making.

"me? yeah, i'm fine" i brushed off. "i wanted this. i'm the one who encouraged jack to call you guys".

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now