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siena's pov

despite being exhausted from our trip here, i woke up a little earlier today to take a small walk and look around the area.

i didn't want to wake up jack, because he drove all this way and he at least deserves some rest.

i was wearing a pair of leggings and a big jumper as i walked along the path between the woods. i managed to get near the lake that was in the middle of all of the cabins and sat down on one of the benches.

i was mindlessly staring ahead the water, watching a few people swimming and bouncing on the inflatable trampoline in the middle.

two, teenaged boys suddenly started heading this way. i looked behind me to see if they were approaching someone else, but they reached me and i furrowed my brows in confusion.

"hey, are you okay?" the taller and blonde-haired one asked.

"yeah, why wouldn't i be?" i fiddled with my jumper, hoping that they wouldn't recognise me despite my new hair color.

"well, it's just that it's weird to see a pretty girl like you just sitting here alone" the curly haired brunette asked, as a smirk settled on his lips.

"i'm just out for some fresh air" i replied.

"are you staying around here?" the blonde questioned.

i hesitated, giving myself time to answer.

"don't worry" he laughed. "we're not gonna stalk you".

i gestured behind me, "yeah, just a few minutes away. you?".

"we're staying in the cabin over there, friends getaway" the brunette told and i nodded. "how about you? lemme guess, family vacation and they're currently stressing you out?".

i chuckled, "no, i'm actually here with my boyfriend".

"oh. well, we're having a party later on in that cabin, you and your boyfriend should come along - they'll be food, drinks, music, a hot tub. it'll be great".

i lightly shrugged as i wondered whether it would be a good idea and plus, i'd have to run it by jack first.

"okay, i'll think about it" i answered and the boys both said their goodbyes, before heading towards the path.

after a while, i made my way back to my own cabin. i caught jack leaving through the front door in a hurry, until he looked up and saw me.

"siena, where did you go?!" he exclaimed.

i creased my brows, going up the steps to enter the house, "just for a walk. why, what's wrong?".

jack followed me back inside and removed his jacket.

"i woke up and you'd disappeared from the house. you can't just leave without telling me" he told and i narrowed my eyes.

"leave without telling you? you're starting to sound like my dad" i scoffed, chuckling to soften my words.

"but i couldn't even contact you, what if something happened and i didn't know?".

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now