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A/N: i changed where jack works, he works at a mechanic garage now bc why not.

siena's pov

the next morning, i headed out to the front of the house since my mom made me go to the mail box and collect all the letters.

i had my headphones hugged around my ears, listening to partynextdoor's album so loud that i couldn't hear a thing going on around me.

i took the bunch of letters out and flipped through them to see if any happened to be addressed to me, until my eyes did a small double-take on the garage.

i didn't even know that jack was here today, or that he was drilling a hole into the wall while his sweaty, toned and tanned torso was on show.

i realised that my mouth was slightly gaped open, so i focused back down at the letters and started to walk quickly back to my house.

"siena!" i heard my dad loudly behind me and i rested my headphones around my neck to respond.

"yes, dad?".

"could you please take jack to the hardware store?" he asked, walking towards me and soon, jack followed behind.

i narrowed my eyes, confused as to why my dad was asking me to take jack and not himself.

"you know where it is, i've showed you before" he added, barely answering my thoughts.

i hesitated for a while, looking over my dad's shoulder at jack pulling a shirt back over his head and then flashing me smile.

"okay, just let me go and get changed first" i gave in and turned to enter the front door and march upstairs to my room.


it had only been about ten minutes of driving and i was already feeling tortured by the silence in the car.

i rested my elbow on the window rim and stared out of window as we drove down the calabasas streets. jack had his hands gripped to the wheel with dark shades resting on his face, and his muscles bulging slightly from the tension in his arms.

i aimed to keep my focus on my side of car to stop my attention from diverting to his physique.

"you don't talk much, do you?" jack glanced over to me, and i was slightly uncomfortable by the fact that i couldn't see where his eyes were looking.

"i do," i corrected. "i just have nothing to say".

"well, you must have something to say".

i shrugged, "okay, fine. why are you wearing shades like you're ready to film men in black 4?".

jack chuckled, shaking his head and removed the shades from his face to settle them down beside him.

"you could have just said that you wanted to see my beautiful eyes instead".

"i mean, i would. but then i'd be lying".

"how about when you were drooling over my abs earlier, were you lying then?" jack raised his brows at my embarrassed cheeks and kept an agitating sneer on his face.

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now