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jack's pov

"no...oh my god. he's dead, we need to call someone, jack!" siena tried to reach for my phone in my pocket but i promptly pulled back.

"no, we can't!" i disagreed.

she frowned at my response, "why not?! a man is dead!".

"but they'll take us back home and we'll be in even more trouble than we already are".

she pushed her hair back in frustration, "but...but we can't just leave him here".

siena turned to me to get some answers, but i honestly had no clue what our next move should be if we can't call the ambulance.

eventually, i thought of an idea and scratched my head whilst wondering if it would work.

"okay, just calm down" i told, then held onto her shoulders. "listen to me, i want you to go to the car and i'll fix it".

"what? no, fix it how? what are you going to do?".

"i'll figure it out. but go and i'll meet you there, and if you see anyone else on the way, don't say anything, run and drive away".

she grabbed my arm, "are you crazy?! i'm not leaving you".

"no, you need to and i'll just meet you back at the house" i stroked her cheek in reassurance.

siena nervously pursed her lips and glanced down at the dead body at our feet, "...okay".

"good. now, go" i quickly pulled her in to kiss the top of her head, then watched her jog away to get to the exit.

i cursed to myself as i looked at the corpse and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. i put it to my ear once i tapped the number that i wanted.

"hello? yeah, long time too, skeez. i, uh, need a favour...i know, i had to get away with my girlfriend and i still owe leon a ton of money, so you can't tell him where i am...i-i just need you to fix this" i explained.

i briefly started telling my friend all about what happened and gave him the address of the aquarium, so that he could get rid of the mess that i created.

once i was done, i rushed out of the building and back to the parking lot, where i thankfully saw siena still sitting there. i expected her to say something when i got in the car or at least ask what i did to take care of the body, but she didn't.

we had been driving home for almost ten minutes and she still hasn't spoken.

"i can't believe this" siena interrupted the tense silence. "he died in front of us. a stranger died because of us and our stupid antics".

i kept one hand on the wheel and the other nervously pulled through my hair as she spoke.

"what if the police find out it was us?" she added. "we could go to prison for murder or manslaughter or however they see it. there's no way that i'll survive in—".

"just stop, siena!" i loudly interfered. "okay, stop!".

her scared reaction immediately made me feel bad that i took a deep breath to relax myself.

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now