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{two chapters in one day fyeah}

a car was parked in the garage and had the front bonnet open, while a brunette young man fixed away at all the components.

he looked up once he noticed my presence and scratched his olive-skinned cheek, accidentally getting oil on his face.

"hey princess, are you lost?" he chuckled, wiping his hands on an old towel.

"no, actually i'm waiting for jack".

"hey johnson, there's a beautiful barbie here for you and it's not your girlfriend" the brunette called out with a laugh and i was slightly offended by the plastic reference.

"she's not talking about me, derek. she's talking about gilinsky" the blonde corrected, then held his hand out for me. "i'm jack, but call me johnson".

i shook his hand, "siena," i said, before he left to enter another room.

the brunette that i now know as derek perched on the edge of the car, throwing the cloth onto his shoulder, "so, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a neighbourhood like this?"

"oh, jack works part time for dad and he apparently needed to stop here quickly" i explained. "but what's so bad about this place any ways?".

he chuckled and stood back up, "let's just say that it's not a place for sweet girls".

a bunch of possibilities to what derek meant cycled through my head, as he picked up a tool and went back to repairing the car.

i stood watching him, while also waiting for jack who was taking a really long time so i decided to kill time by talking to derek.

"so, this all seems pretty complicated" i stated.

"maybe for you, but not for me" derek said without looking up from the car.

"well, could i try?".

he chuckled, then inhaled sharply through his teeth, "you can, but only if you let me guide you".

i folded my arms and cocked my brow, "is that just your excuse to put your hands on me?".

he gasped dramatically, "and why on earth would i do that?".

"because you've been eyeing me up and down throughout this entire conversation" i pointed out and he sighed with a smirk on his lips.

"do you want to have a go or not?" derek held out a wrench and i took it, coming closer to the car and staring at all of the dirty and unfamiliar car parts.

"okay, so you see that round bolt over here?" i nodded my head. "all you have to do is loosen it a little, so that i can fit this other pipe in".

with derek hovering over me, i placed the wrench on the black bolt and twisted it around, as he settled one hand on mine to help.

he and i knew very well that i didn't need any sort of guidance to turn a tool around, but we both didn't seem to care.

as i continued to twist the wrench, derek settled his other hand on my waist and i tried to avoid from looking back at him and realising just how close he was to me.

runaway ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now