epilogue: part one

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jack's pov +

"so, mr gilinsky. i'm detective grey" a tall, slim man, possibly in his thirties, pulled out the chair and sat down in front of me in the interrogation room.

i stared behind him at the one-way glass, knowing very well that other officers were standing behind it watching my every move and listening to my every word.

"mr gilinsky's my father" i corrected. "it's just jack".

detective grey narrowed his eyes at my correction before shaking it off.

"okay, jack" he replied, flipping open a file. "nineteen year old male, grew up in california, dropped out of high school at the age of sixteen, got his first criminal record at the age of sixteen for theft and illegal drugs, home has previously been raided for illegal drugs".

i shrugged, struggling to find the point of reading out my file as if i didn't already know what i had or had not done.

"and of course, here you are again. but now for two accounts of homicide, one account of manslaughter and also for kidnapping an eighteen year old girl. all true?".

i nodded without any hesitation. i just hope that siena will co-operate the same and say what i told her to.

"jack, you've done this before" grey sighed and scratched his stubble. "i need you to say yes or no for the tape. all true?".

i leant slightly forward to the recorder, "yes".

"now, we'll discuss the other cases after this. but let's start with siena edwards - how did you two meet, how long have you known one another and for what sick reason did you keep her away from her family for almost two weeks?".

i scratched the back of my neck before speaking, "her dad is my dad's boss. i would come to her house to help him do some diy, then eventually siena and i started to become closer".

"as in dating?".

"yeah, i guess so".

"it's yes or no, son".

i nodded, "yes".

"and then can you explain how you both ended up in nevada?" he questioned.

"i-i forced her to come with me, and told her that she couldn't leave" i lied. "i scared her into doing everything and she had absolutely nothing to do with it".

detective grey chuckled and looked back at the one way glass with a smirk, "you're being awfully honest, jack".

"well, isn't that what you want?".

"definitely, but i'm just saying that those words flowed out a little too quickly. almost like they were rehearsed".

i opened my clasped hands with confusion, "but it's the truth".

he studied me, aiming to see if an eye would twitch, a nose would wrinkle or a sweat would break but i was determined to keep this lie up for siena's sake so nothing could break me.

"okay" he pushed the chair back and stood. "that will be all for now".

"wait, what about siena?" i quietly inquired. "are you pressing charges on her?".

"why do you care?" he scoffed.

i slouched down in my seat and shrugged my shoulders as detective grey collected back up my files.

"i will never understand teenage love" he muttered. "but miss edwards' charges is something that my colleagues will decide".

i nodded at his words, allowing him to leave the room and me handcuffed to the metal table - the only other object in this stone, cold, room but me.

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