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"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" My brother and his friends yelled as we watched the ball drop, entering us into another... Awful year. I watch from the kitchen table as my brother and his guys take shots while each of them had a different female on there lap.

"aye sis get the door mane damn" my brother yelled over the loud music that he just turned on. I walked to the door, fixing my shirt then slowly opened it. There stood a boy.. About 6 feet or taller

"wassup Lil cutie, pimp here? " he asked

" yeah he on the couch, come in" I said taking a step back to let him in. He walked over to pimp as I shut the door behind him. I walked pass the boys as the girls mugged me. Hoes

I walked into my small room and grabbed my journal from under my mattress and began writing
Dear you,
. . . . Today is new years... Another day that I have to deal with people bull shit, drama, everything. It's 12:09am Monday morning basically and I'm feeling like I've seen a ghost, my heart beat is racing right now and I don't know why, my hands are shaking and my stomach is doing back flips, I'm not sure what's going on but... I'm liking the feeling.

I heard a knock at my door, making me throw my journal in the corner of my room. I got up and answered the door

"aye your brother said come down" the boy said. I nodded and followed him downstairs into the kitchen where everyone was smoking weed

" Yes? " I said

" i want u to meet my niggas sis. This right here is Tremaine" he said pointing to the one I was standing beside, he's so damn tall

"H-H-Hi Tremaine I'm.. I'm ugh unique" I said, as my throut got dry

"wassup Lil cutie " he said

" and this is Marcus" pimp said pointing to a short dude with a snap back on and saggy shorts

"wassgud boo" he said

"this is Damen" pimp said as a light skin started at me

"Damn u look... Good" he mumbled

"keep your eyes to your fucking self nigga" pimp bucked

"my bad wassup baby" he said. I nodded and went over to the fridge and got a water bottle and made my way back upstairs. I sat my water bottle down after drinking a sip and laid back in bed and soon fell asleep

**************Next morning *************
I woke up from the smell of breakfast. I slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep outta my eyes. I got up and made my way to my closet and grabbed a quick outfit. A plain black tank top and baggy grey sweats. I grabbed my bra and underwear then made my way into the shower. After the water became cold after a good 30 Minutes I made my way out and dried myself off, lotion down, and got dressed. I walked out the bathroom and made my way downstairs into the kitchen and seen a tall figure standing in front of the stove

"Pimp what u cooking? " I asked

" what" Tremaine said turning around, facing me

"Oh I thought you was pimp,my bad" I said

"you good unique, Your brother went out.. He'll be back next month so me and Damen go be in and out of here. " he said. How he's gonna leave me with complete strangers!

"Next month? Why"

"U hungry? " he asked. " yeah sure " I said and rolled my eyes, I seen how he dissed my question. I sat at the kitchen table, watching him make my plate. He put eggs on my plate then looked over at me,his eyes are so.. Light like baby blue or gray and blue. I scanned over his face...

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