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Erin- Tuesday
I woke up on the cold hardwood floor. I sat up and didn't realize where I was,i looked around and noticed boys standing around looking at me

"Aye Shawn she woke! " one yelled. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him

" What y'all want with me? " I asked and then a build dark skinned man walked in

" tell us where unique is and you'll live, if u don't... You die that simple " he said pulling out a gun. I looked at him and did an evil laugh

" You think I'll give her up? Not for shit, try and kill me" I said smirking at him. He pulled the trigger and the bullet flew pass my ear, he tried again and missed

"Awe off balance? " I said standing up. I laughed again and winked, I kicked him in his chin, making him fly backwards and grabbed his gun and shot the three guys. I tucked the gun in my waist band and walked out the building like nothing happened. Inside I was a bit scared but I can't show that. I walked around until I recognized my surroundings and ended up outside of Danial house. Damn it

I woke up from my alarm going off. I opened my eyes and made my way out of bed, towards the bathroom and freshened up, took a shower, brushed my teeth. I walked out the bathroom and got dressed in my black shirt, dark blue jeans and Jordan's with my snap back.  I grabbed my wallet, phone and keys then made my way out the house.  Im thinking about moving out, cuz it feel like this house got small or some shit and I ain't for that. I got to much shit around here.
I walked out the door, locked up and made my way to my car

I walked in breakfast with my sister and Terrence. I looked around and I spotted Veronica sitting at a table with boys surrounding her. She looked bothered

"Aye I be back yall" I said and walked over to her, I seen a boy grip her arm

"Let me go bruh I'm not interested now move " she said but he laughed and pulled her closer to him

" She said let her go" I said and snatched her away from him

"What the fuck you think you doing " he yelled

" Leave her alone bruh" I said

"if I don't? " he asked laughing along with his boys

" You'll get your ass handled my nigga!  Joy you ok" Terrence asked

"Yeah I'm good" I said and walked away with Veronica

"Thank you, i swear boys don't care if you gay or not, they just want pussy" she said as we reached the hallway

"You gay? " I asked

" Yeah I know it doesn't look like it but I am. I love girls " she said laughing

" I am too gurl" I said laughing

I walked to my first block class with unique and Terrence.  We walked in and sat at our desks

" Goodmorning students. Today we will be watching a movie, I told you about yesterday. If you have snacks you may eat them doing the movie and if your worksheet is not complete you will have to write an essay on the movie, if you don't complete any of it two zeros will be added to your book. " our teacher said

I looked around the class as everyone pulled out sodas and chips, even Chinese food. I pulled out my phone and texted Tremaine

NiqBoo: Hey you in school?

Bae💕:Yeah why? 

NiqBoo : can you go to the snack machine for me pleaseeee and get me some snakes.  I'm in room 224

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