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I just got back in the house from Walmart. It's not even 10am and I've been up since seven buying some food for the house. I picked up my phone and called Tremaine and heard his phone ringing upstairs in my sisters room. The fuck he doing in there? I threw my phone in my pocket and walked upstairs and opened her door.  I seen them cuddled up and Dat nigga ain't have on a damn shirt. I ain't go lie I had a feeling he had feelings for niqueboo, but I don't and never will approve of that shit.  They won't work anyways.  I mean Tremaine ain't no player or nun but that's putting my lil sister in harms way and I ain't having that shit. I just left them as is and went downstairs to put the food away which took like a half an hour then I headed out to the trap.

I rolled over and felt someone next to me. I smiled and opened my eyes to see Erin.  I sat up quickly and shook her

"what? " she mumbled

" Where's Tremaine?" I asked as she slowly opened her eyes and mugged me

"He left like 30 minutes ago. It's 11:50 and u woke me up for that? " she sighed and sat up

" How u get in my bed? " I questioned

" What's wrong with you dummy?  Your eye is going down and I got in here when Tremaine woke me up telling me he was leaving " she said rubbing her eyes.

" Ooh okay well wassup today" I asked as I felt like gravity was trying to make me go through my bed, meaning something isn't gonna go good today, I know this feeling way to well.

"Chill, imma Take a shower down the hall" she said

"You got clothes? " I asked

" Yeah in my bookbag, I always have an extra outfit bih" she said getting out my bed and walked out the room.  I sat up and checked my phone and seen messages from my brother, Marcus and Tremaine

Bro:Aye sis me and Tremaine go be out for a while so stick with Erin

Marcus:Nigga my phone back on!  But where have u been ghost?

Tremaine :Hey Nique, me and pimp go be out a while so be safe and stick with Erin weird ass. Imma call later to check up on you *Love you*

I threw my phone under my pillow and got up and went to my closet to find me a cute outfit.  I pulled out a tank top that was black, white and grey and some light blue jeans with my knee high black boots and jumped in the shower. I shaved and did everything else I needed to do and got out.  I dried off and went to my dresser and got a black sports bra and panties. I got fully dressed, brushed my teeth and put on black lipstick and eyeshadow because my eye was still a bit dark and put my hair up in a tight ponytail.

"Nigga let's goo! " Erin yelled out in the hallway.  I laughed and peeped my head out my room door

" Damn Erin u look good" I said.  She had on a black leather jacket and a wife beater with some camouflage bottoms and combat boots, her bottoms was tucked in neatly she had a bun with black sunglasses on her head and black lipstick on.

"Thanks" she straighted out her shirt and looked at me. "so let's go to IHOP" I nodded an walked out the door. " wait we ain't got no car" I said laughing.  She gave me a sly smile an pulled out her phone.

I pulled out my phone and called Butch.

B : what!

E : Hol'up. Did you just 'what'me nigga.

B: damn.  Sorry boss. But I just woke up.  What is it.

E: we need a car.  Meet me at Niqs place or ( I cracked my knuckles) got it.

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