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Week later
Me and Tremaine has gotten a bit close, like on that bestfriend type level. He is so cool and chill but ever since that accident, he has because way to protective. I mean I don't mind but still, it bothers me sometimes. Damen went ghost, I haven't seen him since maybe 3 days ago when he came by to drop off Tremaine clothes. Tremaine bought me a new phone and some clothes. His sister is a week pregnant and me and her is cool but that May bothers me way to much. She be over here alot and all she does is try to get me jealous like it's not go happen!

"Morning sunshine!" Tremaine yelled walking in my room

"Tre really, u gonna wake me up with that? " I asked yawning

" Yup get ready for school, come on" he said and left the room. I jumped up outta bed, getting my self ready for another day in the Hell whole. School started 4 days ago and drama is smacking me in the face I tell you. I met this girl tho, named Marco. She's 5'3 Mixed with brown curly hair that's passed her shoulders and a tat of a butterfly on her back. She wears black or red lipstick and loves to take pictures .

I jumped in the shower for 10 minutes, it got cut short because tre was rushing me. I put on something warm since it was still cold out. I wore dark blue jeans, a black Long sleeve shirt and a grey loose hoodie. I'm not a fan of showing my scars. I put on some boots and let my hair fly wet. I grabbed my backpack and made my way downstairs.

"You ready? "Tremaine asked

" Yeah let's go" I mumbled, I'm not a fan of school either. We drove to school which was 6 blocks away,the speed Tremaine drive, shittt we'll be there in 4 minutes. We arrived and I seen David staring at Tremaine car. David is a guy that seems to like me... To much for Tremaine liking.

"That nigga always fucking staring at you, his ass go get dropped" he said typing on his phone

"I mean at least he ain't trying nun nasty" I mumbled

"Wassup? Y'all dating or something? "

" Maybe " I said. Tremaine looked over at me with an evil eye. He locked the doors

" HELL NAH! His ass is gonna get fucked up. Tell me you playing unique "

"Yes I'm playing Tremaine, relax and open these doors before we be late" I said. He sighed and unlocked them. I jumped out and walked towards the school.

" Hey beautiful " David said walking up to me. Tremaine put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him

" Hey david" I said trying not to laugh due to the fact that I knew what Tre was doing. He to much.

"Babe I'll see u later" Tremaine said looking dead at david

"Okay give me a hug" I said and pulled him down to my level and whispered in his ear

"Why did you do that? U know he like me Tre"

"I don't care, you can date anyone but him. His ass seem... Odd" he whispered back. I pulled away and laughed.

"See u at lunch ma" David said

"Ight bye" I said and walked in school, pulling Tremaine with me. I went straight to class cuz it ain't no need for a fucking locker for real
Today has been boring as hell. Classes was way to long, People kept there distance. Tremaine acting distance also but I shook it off and David has been giving me that scaryy look like he been waiting. I was walking to lunch when a pair of hands covered my eyes

"Guess who? " I heard.

"... I don't... Who" I said and turned around. I seen Marcus standing there looking good as hell. Marcus was my love ❤ He did everything for me. Basically my best friend. I couldn't do nothing but smile

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