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Month later
Ive been here for about a month and it's not bad, unless he's drunk. He has his boys over and they try to take turns but I always fight and end up getting my ass stumped or something but I don't mind, I ain't and wont have no one running in and out of me when they like. I'm only allowed to wear these Jean shorts and a bra because he loves to see his so called 'Art Work', meaning bruises he leaves. It hurts to see my baby lamar cry his self to sleep every night asking for his mother but we'll get out sometime I hope and I take my classes online.

I sat on the couch with two guards beside me and one of them is Marcus. He came in about a week ago and he even tries to fuck me at points but he supposed to be like my bestfriend.  I only get an hour to watch TV then I have to clean which I hate because Williams buddy's always come over around that time. I watched judge Judy and a little bit of lifetime when William came downstairs yelling at me to clean his room.  I never been in his room. He snatched my arm and pulled me upstairs and threw me on his bed

"I'll be back, clean this shit up.  You got 15 minutes " he said and left the room.  I began to pick up all his clothes and accessories then I found a gun under his stack of clothes.  I grabbed his shirt and wrapped it up and threw his dirty clothes in a basket and carried it downstairs into the basement and started to do laundry.  After putting his clothes in the washer, I grabbed the gun and couldn't figure out what to do with it so I tossed it under my mattress and waited til his clothes was done and then put them in the dryer. 

"M.. Mama" Lamar said waking up out of his sleep. 

"Yhu hungry? It's going on three " I asked him

" Yess" he said smiling.  I laughed and called out for Marcus.  He came down and had his gun in his hand

"What? "

" Can I cook, Lamar is hungry and so am I. " I said

" Only if u making daddy something " he said with a smirk.  I rolled my eyes and nodded

" Yeah sure" I said getting up

"William said you got a free day" Marcus said.  I love my free days I only had 3 so far and it's when I get to do whatever I want, I most likely do my school work online but imma spend it with Lamar because Im all he's got. He does go to school but one of Williams body guard is Lamar homeroom teacher.

I walked out with Lamar beside me and we went to the kitchen.  He sat at the table like always and I went to the fridge and seen some chicken so I decided to bake some because I dont think Lamar needs all that fried food.  I began cooking then Lamar wanted to help so we cooked for about an hour at the most.  I made him his plate and went down to the basement and got Williams clothes out and began to fold them

I'm now 3 months and a week and me and Hakeem is kinda together but not really.  He comes over every day and we cuddle and watch movies and he hasn't once tried to get in my pants nor asked about my sex life and I find that a good thing cuz all these boys want is pussy.  When me and him out in public everyone, even his friends be like congratulations and he be like thank you and rubs my stomach. Tremaines been a pain and so has pimp and unique friend Erin.  They either at the trap or searching for unique, I mean that's good, shit I miss her but they be searching for hours a day. They need to relax and sleep.  Tremaine been loyal, no Lil hoes or nothing.  My brother never been that type but he's stressing his self out way to much. His eyes always red and pimp is worse, he's dating a girl named Amanda and she feels me in on everything and he's been throwing up and not eating as much and never home,he be out with Tremaine searching of course.

I'm sitting with may who's upset because of Tremaine.  She wants him back now, well that's how I see it. Everytime I turn around she's all up on him and he knows what she's trying to do and she's mad because he dont want her like she broke up with him so what she mad about. 

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