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~Greg~ Flash Back~
I did have a fast childhood. When I was 13 I met Greg at school. He was the nicest boy I knew that actually talked to me.

I walked out of class shaking from the cold winter air roaming the halls. My class stood in line while walking into the cafeteria for lunch. I got my lunch and sat at the lunch table alone. Greg walked up to me. He was an 8th grader and I was in 6 at the time. He always was nice to me but he invited me to his house after school but I had to ask my brother and I'm pretty sure he was go say no. I told him I would come right after school. He told me that it was near the library,at white and brown house with two trees in front. I smiled widely as he winked and walked away. That afternoon I walked around trying to find his house but I couldn't. I got mad because I did indeed have a crush on him.

"Hey unique I'm right here" I heard him say behind me. I smiled and walked over to hug him. He held my hand as we walked down the street

"My parents are home so we have to go to my little hide out" he said. I nodded and we ended up walking in the woods. He shoved me down as my book bag slid off my back. He lifted my uniform skirt and laughed

"Perfect" he mumbled And unzipped my skirt and pulled it off. He slapped me hard and he didn't bother to stop. He punched me and kicked,spit,just beat me like he was having the time of his life. He looked at my private and laughed and pulled off my underwear. I ended up kicking him in the face and ran,crying. I never went home for about a day and when i did. My brother wasn't there.

A year went by and i just turned 15 and he ended up popping up and ruined my whole mood for that day. He did the same thing basically,except he stabbed me in my waist.His ass was way more dangerous than it sounds,he was everywhere I was and he always yelled

"You'll never be free til I put you in the ground bitch " that day I had two swollen eyes and a broken rib. I ended up in the hospital for a whole month and he got put in jail


After I told Tremaine the history and that the call was from my brother telling me he was out of jail,scared me. We rolled up to his crib and he dialed someone up while I went upstairs to lay down and hopefully forget what I seen

I sat on the porch on the phone with veronica as she told me another crazy ass story about her first fight. I looked out and seen lamia and Terrence walking up to the house laughing.

"Babe imma call you back" Veronica said and blew me a kiss

"Ight bae " I Said and hung up. Lamia came up and hugged me

"Ight mane see y'all later,text me bae" Terrence said to lamia. She blushed and walked in the house,I shook my head and followed

"So how was y'all date?" I asked

"It wasn't a date and our walk was fine " she said laughtin and sat on the couch,clicking on the TV

"Whatever You still a virgin?" I asked. She looked over at me and laughed

"Duh dumb ass" she said

"Just checking ass!!" I yelled and mushed her head,walking to the kitchen.

I sat on the couch thinking about unique. Ever since she met me,shit been going crazy and all I wanna do is keep her safe but with me around,it's never go be safe. I thought about leaving her but I can't do that,pimp ass been off and she ain't got no protector. I'm the only one that can protect her and If I leave who she go have left? My feelings grew for her quick as fuck,I fell for her way to damn fast but I couldn't stop. I wanna walk out but something is telling me not to.I sighed and sat back. I heard feet coming downstairs, I knew it was unique.  She came over to me looking concerned and sat beside me.  "Why your eyes pink,you been crying? " she asked

"Nah baby I'm just thinking about you" I said and took a deep breath

"What's going on?" She asked looking directly In my eyes

"You know I love you,I truly do but I don't know if I should.. stay around no more " I said. Her eyes instantly got watery

"You leaving me? No you can't,not now,not ever I love you. Stop leaving" she said

"Ever since I came around
Look I fucked up your life unique. As long as I'm around,you'll never be safe baby and that's all I want"

"All I want is you,I have trust in you, I'm in love with you. You have my heart,my everything. My life was already fucked up. I need you " she said and tried to hold her tears back but it wasn't working. I felt myself but to give in but I held out

"I'm just saying,I feel like I'm making your life worse and if I leave,you'll be better off"

"How could you say that. You want space?"

"I'm sick of space mane no I don't want space I want you. I do but I care for your safety"

" I want you tho!" She yelled standing up

"Unique sit down "

"No I want you. I wanna be with you. I want all of you" she said

"Unique what?" I asked

"I...." she shook her head and was about to walk upstairs

"Wait " I said getting up

"Never mind" she said. I grabbed her arm, she stopped and turned to me

"Tell me what you mean "

" I wanna be yours, I want....."

"You are mines" I said trying to figure out what she means

"Just drop it tre okay " she said and snatched her arm from me

"Listen to me,i want you too. Your safety comes first,what dont you get?"


"Dont fuvking yell at me damn it!"

"What are we doing. Why shit gotta be so hard." She said

"Its not hard. Unique would you be my girl? Would you go out with me?!?!?' I asked

"Not if you plan on leaving me" she said

" I'm not leaving you. This is not the way I wanted to do it "

"Then yes and I understand.  I'm going back to bed" she said and walked upstairs

"Imma join you"

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