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I woke up with unique body pressed up on me, completely naked. I sat up slowly and tried to remember if we did anything after the dance but I don't think so, I would of remembered that. She turned in her sleep, getting comfortable, I sat in bed thinking things over. Y'all might see me as a soft ass nigga, shit I ain't that damn soft, Im just different from all these nasty ass dumb niggas out here fucking everydamn thing moving out this bitch. I sense that these nigga be mad doe, that I'm different y'all feel me? Fuck em shit, I do my shit different.

I looked over at unique stretched on snoring. I nodded and got out of bed and went downstairs to my living room and turned on the TV. I walked in the kitchen and cooked some waffles, grits, sausages,eggs,bacon,which took me less than an hour to do, I made sure I cleaned up the kitchen before eating, I made sure I put unique plate in the microwave. I sat on my couch and ate while watching Man, some scary, lame ass movie, I seen unique coming downstairs with one of my shirts on, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, you wanna explain why I woke up naked?? " she asked

" I have no clue, forreal, shocked me but we ain't do nun, your breakfast in the microwave "

" what happened last night?? " she asked

" I remember we was dancing and u was in a deep daze on our way home, we crashed right after" I said. She nodded and walked in to get her plate

"I like your house tho" she said from the kitchen

"Thank you, what you wanna do today? " I asked

" I wanna spend it with you, i don't care what we do" she said walking out with her plate and came to the couch, sitting her plate down and laid down, her head on my lap. I looked down and reached for a piece of bacon and fed her. She laughed and turned to watch TV.

"It's a Saturday, u wanna go see august or something? "

" Yeah maybe later but I'm so tired "she said grabbing her plate

" sit up before you choke, we can sleep in for a while, I feel you tho baby I'm bout tired to, but I wanted to talk about new york " i said eating my waffles.

"what's up?"

"I'm going for the first week or something, gotta get you set you know? Imma visit you as much as possible tho" I said

"I would love for you to come babe. Gimme kiss" she said. I pecked her lips and ate and watched tv

"I love you " she said randomly looking at me

" I love you too baby, always " I said and kissed her again, she smiled and cuddled up under me as we ate.

After watching TV for about an hour or two. It was 11am and unique was knocked out sleep,i carried her upstairs and placed her in bed and jumped in with her and fell back to sleep.

I sat outside of Tremaine house waiting for them to come out. It's been an hour since I been out here with Marco.

"I'm just gonna put it on the porch shit " Marco said and grabbed the box and jumped out the car. I don't know why the Hell I feel like this but Tremaine is fine as hell, I would love to snatch that but I'm pretty sure he knows who I am. I wanna kill that bitch already but Marco and David is so against that it's crazy. David got a whole play up his sleeve for that hoe she go learn. I seen Marco running to the truck she jumped in. "Goo!!" she yelled, I sped off

I heard the doorbell ring, I got out of bed and went to answer the door, I seen a box that had unique name written on it, along with whore written on it. I looked around and kicked the box, making sure ain't go damn dumb shit in it, it was light as hell doe. I brung it in and opened it, i know it wasn't my place to open it but she my girl so I don't give a shit. I seen an envelope, I opened it and seen pictures. My face went straight red, I didn't even bother looking at the other ones. I stood up, tossing the picture and balled my fist, punching the wall.

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