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After all that fun yesterday, Pimp had us come home with him and let me tell you his house is popping. But anyway, I didn't bother changing my clothes so we all slept in Unique room just to wait to see if she'd need anything or wake up. Well I was the first one to wake up and I hated smelling like the beach. Hell, I didn't even get in the water and I smell like fish. I walked to the bathroom and took off my jacket.

"So that's why you wouldn't go swimming" Tremaine said leaning in the doorway pissed. "Who did that to you"

"What... Get out!"

"Not until you answer me!" We started to fight and it seem to startle everyone. I had tackled him to ground with a loud thud. We were going at it, nigga to nigga. But soon me and him were picked up and separated. Daniel had him , pimp had me and Unique stood there pissed. It was as if Satan lived in her for a moment , I struggled to get out of his grip.

"What the fuck is the problem!" Pimp yelled, a little to close to my ears. Tremaine looked at me and sighed.

"Nothing, we were just playing around. Right Erin"

"Yeah. I had to keep my end of the deal and show you who's boss" pimp put my down and I raced to the bathroom, locking the door. I looked in the mirror at my back and sighed. I turned on the shower and winced as the hot water hit it. Pushing the memories back I got dress and went down stairs to make breakfast. My phone buzzed and a text read.

*I'm telling unique. Not today but be ready and damn you hit like me a nigga" I sighed and finished cooking, calling everyone down we age in silence, well it was silent until Unique starting whining about the 3rd step she walked down but hey, my best friend is hurt, she gonna whine. But other than that my day is starting off. Bad. Oh so very bad!

After I ate breakfast, well a piece of bread I walked on my crutches towards the front porch. It was a bit muggy out but felt good, I looked at the neighbors across the street and seen my vision get cloudy. I tried to make my way back in but my arms gave out and I felt on my side, trying to catch myself.

"Baby,you ight? " Tremaine asked helping me up

" Yeah I just need rest I guess "

" Yeah I think rest will be good, did u take your medication?, " he asked

" No and I'm not going to, there's no need" I said grabbing my crutches

"Yes there is unique "

" Look we are not together, don't tell me what to do damn it!  You getting on my fucking nerves, won't you just gone somewhere damn I'm fine!! " I yelled and limped my way upstairs to the guess room I was sleeping in.  I sat on the bed and grabbed a bottle of pills and took 3 and swallowed them with water. I closed my eyes and laid back on the bed.

" Damn y'all broke up? " pimp asked

" Mane i Don't know, fell off or something, I'll go talk to her " I said and walked upstairs where I heard music playing. I walked in and unique was laying down, looking at the ceiling

" That's it Mane, I'm tired of your Bullshit unique" I yelled and turned off the stereo

"Don't come in here turning shit off! "

" Fuck that damn radio, what the hell is wrong with you! "

" Nothing damn"

"What was that shit downstairs den huh? "

" We don't go out, never will I hate you! "

" No the Hell you don't, cuz if u did, you would have been cut my ass off or something "

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