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~weeks later~ February first~
I woke up from someone knocking on the door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I got outta bed and walked downstairs slowly and opened my door.

"Unique! " Lamar yelled and jumped on me. Lamar is the little boy I met a month ago at the park.

" Hey baby" I said and outside there stood Marco and Daytona with roses in there hand. I laughed and hugged the girls.

"HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY BIHH! " They yelled. I shook my head and they handed me some roses and I went in the kitchen and put them in Water. Let me catch you up on this past month.

Well after I helped Lamar, I took him to the hospital to get check and he got put in foster care because I'm not old enough. The process went fast and his foster parents took him in. They are great people, I'll go over there every weekend to see him or they'll drop him off here when he wanna see me. That Lil boy is my best friend forreal. I remember one time I was sick and he made me cereal and stuff. That's my baby.

Me and Tremaine hasn't talked forreal. I haven't seen him in a while. I heard he went outta town with a new girl, from prince. Me and Prince been close but he has a huge crush on me and I do NOT like him like that. One night he tried to have sex with me, forcefully but he was drunk so I let it go. Tremaine would text me about once a week maybe or two and when I text him, he never reply. So I gave up for real and just been doing me. Pimp isn't home yet but he sent me some money. $4,000 til he gets back, so I went out and shopped! I mean got so much! New phone and all, with the girls help. My life seems good, I haven't been depressed or nun lately so that's a good sign. But I have been confused, I feel... Nothing, if I smile, it's most likely fake, Laugh forced, tears real. I cry at night tho because I try my best to hold myself back from killing myself, because I don't wanna be on earth. Yeah I got friends but sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself. I don't know it's scary...

"Um go get dressed hoe! " Daytona said with Lamar beside her

"don't call my sister that before we have a problem " he said balling up his fist. I blew him a kiss and went upstairs. I reached my room and turned around, there stood Marco.

"Okay okay so we going out to breakfast! It's 10:42 so we got a bit of time. Then we go come back, chill, shop and then tonight, club! " she said

"I'm... 16" I said and sat on my bed

"Like I care? Girl we got this ight. The club is for you! My sister work there so... I posted up that it's a birthday party jumping off so yeah. Look I got this. But right now, put this on" she said and walked to my closet. Her and Daytona basically picked out my clothes. She pulled out light blue jeans and a black tight half shirt and a light blue Jean jacket.

"what shoes? " I asked

" go shower girl. I'll be waiting " she said and left the room. This go be one chill day.... Better be.

" Tremaine, what's for breakfast" my girl said.

"I went to get mines, I don't know where yours at Darren" I said Darren is this girl I met a while ago but we just hooked up a bout 5 weeks ago. I went on IG and seen Daytona posted a pic of her and Unique and it said "Birthday babe!" Damn it's her birthday?. I decided to call her dis time cuz everytime I text her, Darren stay taking my fucking phone.

Unique: Hello?

Tremaine :Happy birthday cutie

Unique:Tremaine? Hey nigga, where u been?

Tremaine: out but I'm coming back soon so it's whatever, what u doing for your birthday?

Unique: I don't know, the girls got something planned so...

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