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I woke up from my phone buzzing and I seen Tremaine face on my screen. I rubbed my eyes and looked around my room, shocked of what I seen.  I seen hearts everywhere, balloons and a huge heart shaped box and it said "Happy valentine's day beautiful" with Tremaine name in the corner.  I smiled and quickly picked up my phone and called him.


Me:Tremaine!! Did you do.. How?

Tremaine:Awe speechless babygirl?  Well that's not nothing.  Get dressed, comfortable I'll be over there in 30. It's hot outside so Don't over do yourself.

Me: I can't believe you!!  Thank you soo much

Tremaine: No problem, Take a look around your room.  You got some things I left.

Me:Lord okay, okay.  Happy valentine's day handsome

Tremaine:Same to you gorgeous.

I hung up the phone and for some reason couldn't stop smiling. I shook my head and kicked the covers off me.  I yawned and made my way to my closet. I glanced over some clothes and seen a red and silver sundress, that had spaghetti straps and stopped right above my knees. I opened my dresser and got out my strapless black bra and black underwear.

  I made my way to the bathroom and dropped my nightgown. I turned on the shower and got in when I seen the steam.  I grabbed my sponge and seen new body wash on the shelves.  I laughed and grabbed the one that said green love lime. I washed my hair and scrubbed myself for twenty minutes and got out.  I dried myself off and wrapped my blue towel around me.  I walked over to the sink and looked in the mirror.  My black eyes are now this light brown golden color.  I was a bit scared because I never seen that before.  I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed my teeth. After that I put on my under garments, put lotion on, I slipped on my dress and looked in my mirror,  I wasn't really feeling the dress so I took it off and went back to my closet and hung it back up. I searched for something else and found some black shorts that was pretty short but my ass wasn't handing out. I seen my black half shirt with sleeves that stopped at my elbows, that said "Babygirl Here"  in red and while letters.  Much better, I put on some boots that Erin bought me that had studs on them. I grabbed my brush and brushed my hair down and then combed it.  My hair has grown

I decided to wear black eyeliner, my eyes was so beautiful this color. I grabbed my phone and seen people texted me and said Happy Valentine's.  I looked around my room and seen a box beside the chocolates.  I opened it and seen a silver thick chain bracelet with a heart hanging from it.  I put it on and sat on my bed and torn that box of chocolates up.  Damn I mumbled, because I remember I just brushed my teeth.  O well. I threw a piece of gum in my mouth. I smiled and walked out my room and downstairs to see pimp on the couch with some hoe on his lap.  She had shorts on shorter than mine and a sport bra on.  I shook my head and walked over to pimp and hugged him.  She looked at me like who you bitch. I laughed in my head

"Whow go change!  THE FUCK YOU GOT ON! "Pimp yelled.

"Why would you care?"  the girl asked

"I'm his sister" I said

"I won't talking to you"

"I know you won't but I answered your fucking question anyways. But you talking like you wanna get popped bitch" I said.  I was in shocked that I just said that to her.  My brother looked at me then started laughing. I looked up at him

"what? " I asked

"Your eyes went from golden brown to black, it's coming"  he said.

"Wha?"i asked Hella confused but then the doorbell rung. I went and opened the door, there stood Tremaine in a white shirt and camouflage shorts and a white hat.  He looked good, really good.  He walked in and dapped pimp

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