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My eyes slowly opened to the view of my window. I turned over and seen Tremaine sitting on my chair next to my dresser

"Goodmorning. You hungry? " He asked

" I'm I'm fine, thanks. What happened " I asked and looked down at my wrist an it was wrapped up. I was in a house coat, which was tied tightly. Well this is embarrassing the fact that I don't know him like that and he already seen this side of me.

" I seen u passed out on the bathroom floor, I changed you and wrapped up your arm. My niggas caught Ole dude that did that to you"

"What... How? How u know what he look like "

" Damen seen some man running last night, trying to pull up is pants with a damn clown mask on and they said that he had blood on him, so they assumed he just did some shit to someone. They caught em, asked a few questions and he spilled it "

" So what now, did u tell pimp" I asked

"Nah I didn't but now-on you go where I go understand? "

" you mean follow you like a lost puppy? No thank you "

"Your parents death wasn't your fault" he said looking at the floor. The feeling of anger quickly took over and my blood began to boil

"What u talking about.... You went threw my diary? U had no fucking right!! " I yelled sitting up quickly, which made me dizzy, I held my head

" Calm down and it was laying on the floor" he said

"Great, thanxs" I said rolling my eyes feeling embarrassed, he knows everything now

"lose the fucking attitude damn" he said getting up.

"i dont the have one, I'm just.... Mad. U didn't have to go threw my shit Tremaine. I don't know you like that" I said.

"Well lemme tell you" he said and sat on the bed next to me

"My name is Tremaine, I'm 16 I'm dating May, I left home when i was 13 with my sister because my mom blamed me for my baby sister death. So we moved here. And I met pimp in school and shit... I followed him. "

" Wow u wanted to be this... Thang? "

" what? "

" A thug, player... Whatever it is. It's dangerous Tremaine "

" I think I know that. I done got shot like four times"

"Sorry about your sister death" I said

"Yeah it's ight but get some rest shawty" he said.

"It's 2:12. Why I needs rest? " I asked

" Your ass lost a lot of blood. Don't be asking me questions nigga" he said and
mushed my head. I laughed, he got up and was about to leave the room

"Wait... Don't leave. Please I... Don't wanna be alone" i said and I felt a bit too comfortable around this dude who saved my Life and don't even know me. Like met him two days ago

"Alright imma be right back. U want something from the store? "

" For real? "

" Yeah

"Yess okay I want some chips, any kind except salt and vinegar... Ew. Some sour candy and some... Cookies. "

" Damn nigga, u want some pizza? "

" Oh yesss with chicken wings, BBQ flavor and chocolate fudge cake" I said

"Hungry ain't u. Did u eat last night" he asked

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