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I woke up from hearing sniffles and teeth chattering. I pulled the covers over my head hoping the sound would fade but it didn't.  I sat up and rubbed up and down my ice-cold arms.  I looked where the sound came from and seen something under a ball of covers, shaking. I stared at the moving ball of covers and seen feet peek out the bottom and quickly went back under the covers. I frowned my eyebrows and crawled quickly towards the ball and stanched the covers off and seen Lamar balled up shaking. 

"Lamar...Baby" I said shaking him. He looked at me and jumped on me,squeezing me around my neck.

"Hey mom" he said pulling away and smiled at me. I grabbed the little house phone and dialed one and waited for william to answer but he didn't. I sat on the mattress with Lamar for ten minutes talking about his experience here and all these little rules will got. I know one thing,these rules bout to change. William came in the garage with boxers on and looking pissed off.


"Sorry William but me and my baby hungry,do you mind if I cook?" I asked

"fine mane damn" he said and walked over to a shelf and reached on the very top and got a key then unlocked my feet. He grabbed my arm and pulled me,along with Lamar out the garage.  He lead us in the house and I seen buff body guards by every door he continued to walk, Shoving me into the kitchen he sat at the table an watched me.

"What!?"You staying or you gonna go"

"I'm staying, I don't want your ass to try and leave, so hurry up" I looked in the fridge and saw packages of noddles. I sighed, 'its a good thing I can make fried noddles' I thought. I felt uncomfortable as he watched me. Lamar laid his head on the table, baby was tired and hungry.

I looked the the cabinet for soy sauce. I cleared my throat and looked at William

"What" he yawned

"Soy sause" I said

"I'll get some. Just stay here" he got up and sighed, he walked back down to the garage and handed me a bottle. I nodded a thanks and poured some in the soup. I had mixed chicken and beef, I remember pimp saying it was good.

I sighed at the memory and poured it into 3 bowls.

"Ma. What the fuck is this" Lamar said . I ignored the fact he cussed and began to eat. William looked at it and began to eat it as if it was poison, I shook my head and eagerly ate all my food. I smiled as they began to eat like it was their last. I poured the rest into their bowls and sat down. Lamar let out a burp as he finished. I chuckled , I remembered how Erin burpped in the mall scaring the clothing lady.

"So . was it good" they nodded and smiled. After that I washed the dishes and sighed as I was being walked down to the basement. He chained my feet and kissed my forehead. I wiped it away when he left. Lamar sat beside me in his cover laying his head on my shoulder. Soon baby boy fell asleep. I couldn't sleep, I was scared. Also I was pissed, but mostly pissed. I had to find away out of here, I just had too. I looked out the window and sniffled.

"Someone please save me" I thought to myself but there's no way there gonna find me.  My mom always said to get on people's good side and that's my plan. I held Lamar onto my chest as his soft snores filled the tight garage.  I covered us up and I laid back staring at the brick walls.

I sat back in by chair as I seen Lil mama work the pole in my office. She wanted dick but imma just hand her ass some money so she can keep it going.  It ain't been long since unique got kidnapped and I'm going crazy.  I don't know what's happening to her, is she dead now?  I was knocked out my thoughts when may stormed in my office.

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