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2 Weeks later
Me and Tremaine got home last week on Saturday and I enjoyed the break.  I mean we played football on the beach which was so hard because it was a bit crowded but we made it work. We stayed out late til like 4am and slept all day.  We got stuck in the rain one night because we was walking all late and that's why I'm sick now. Right now it's 5:45 and school starts at 8:15 but I gotta get ready. I heard a faint knock at my door and pimp walked in

"How u feeling sis? " he asked me

" Sleepy, but I'm fine" I said yawning

"ight well go get ready, breakfast should be ready when u get out

"It's sooo early thoooo" I whined

"I know but come on today is gon be busy, we got ppl to meet, places to go and all dat" he said and walked out my room.  The sun wasn't even up yet.  I sat up and felt my hair fall in my face and remembered the bet Tremaine said the other day.  He cut my hair!!  For five minutes but I was sleep,i mean I like it tho, it's not short but not long either. I laughed at the thought and heard my phone beep.  I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and seen may texted me.  I swear that girl is real chill people

Mayboo:Hey Bitch!  U up? 

Unique :Good timing and yes I am wassup
Mayboo:Nun but I'm coming over for breakfast.  My mama ain't cooking nothing, she never does

Unique : what about your husband?

Mayboo: girl we got 2 years until I can get married, shit we might not even last that long

Unique : don't doubt that but ight I'll see u later, I'm about to jump inna shower

Mayboo:Ight ight

I plugged my phone back up and got out my bed, I shivered as my bare feet met the wood floor and air wrapped around me. I quickly walked to the bathroom and took a hot shower for about an hour since I had the time.

I woke up around 6:15 from my phone buzzing.  I reached for it and seen (4) missed calls and (3)message (4) Facebook notifications and (7) from Instagram.
The calls was from my aunt Pumpkin and messages from August, Bae, May. I went through everything and texted everyone back which took about 5 minutes but it's all cool. Everybody basically said good morning and Unique wanted me to come over for breakfast, she said my boys go be over there so I told her I'll see about it.  Nobody know about me and unique except her friend Erin.  I don't want people to know just yet since we just started a few weeks ago.  I got up out my bed and seen toni laying on the floor knocked out. 

"Ayo toni get up bruh get up" I yelled

"Yes baby? " she said she said sitting up

" Where your clothes at?  Get dressed mane you gotta goo like now"

"Baby what's wrong.  Did I do something? "

" Why the fuck you in my damn house? " I yelled

" U don't remember?  Last night...  US...? "

" What? " I asked confused as hell

" U was waisted at the trap and u brung me here....i sucked you up and u begged me to have sex with you and I did, let's just hope I'm not pregnant boy.  You Aint even wrap up but it damn sure was fun, see u in school " she said throwing on her clothes.

I stood there thinking things over and I felt like shit. Damn! I yelled and went to my closet, grabbed some clothes and jumped in the shower

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