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I woke up from hearing movement downstairs.  I sat up in bed and looked to my right and seen it was 10:23am.  I heard faint music coming from downstairs and I knew it was unique.  I got out of bed and made my way out of the bedroom and downstairs, I saw unique in the kitchen in loose grey booty shorts and a pink tank top on.  Her hair was in a messy knot on the top of her head. She was whining her hips to turn me on by Kevin LyttleShe was in front of the sink, Washing a glass.  I cleared my throat and she turned around and signaled me to come to her with her index finger.  I bit my lip and walked over to.  She turned around, back facing me.  I wrapped my arms around her waist and she began swaying side to side so I rock with her and kissed her neck

"Morning boo, your breakfast is in the microwave" she said

"Thank you" I said and cuffed her ass in my hand. She laughed and pushed my hands away.  She turned and walked to the couch and plopped down - I took my food out the microwave and walked over to the sofa and took a seat next to her and she sat on the couch watching lifetime.

"What you wanna do today? I asked her, eating my eggs

"It doesn't matter babe.  We can sleep for all I care" she said

"I wanna go out, it looks warm" I said glancing out the window

"Looks can fool you honey " she said

" Oh really now? "

" Well duh. OOHH I be back " she said jumping off the couch and ran upstairs.  I sat here looking at TV and finished eating my food.  I got up and washed my dish.

Unique came flying downstairs with a Ps3,she went to the flat-screen on the wall and tried to plug it up but didn't know how, shit I don't either to be honest. 

"Baby look it up" I said.  That's the best answer.  After a while of her searching the Web she finally got it down packed. 

"The red wire goes here " she said pointing to the TV

" What red wire? " I asked

" You know what I mean boy" she said.  It took her about ten minutes to be completed with the whole set up.  She pulled out Madden NFL and put it in.  I walked over to her and sat on the couch, grabbed a controller. 

"Ready to get your ass beat? " she asked sitting next to me. 

" Bet" I laughed

"Okay if I win, You have to strip for me" she said with a evil smirk on her face

"I ain't mean make a damn bet but if I win, You have to... Let me do what I wanna do for 5 minutes to you"

"Excuse me?" she said looking at Me

"You heard me bae, you'll like it. Trust me " I said thinking about what I would do.

"Fine, imma win anyways"  she said turning her attention to the TV. 

___________Hour later into game___________
I never seen someone so focused In a game in my life.  I couldn't stop laughing at her faces she made when she lost.  I found it adorable tho.

"I WIN!! " I yelled jumping up

"Whatever"  she said and pouted.  She looked up at me with her head hung low. I pulled her off the couch and picked her up. she wrapped her legs around me and I felt her brush up against me, which woke me up.  I guess she felt second man because I felt her Lil freaky ass try to grind on me without me noticing. I walked upstairs to our room and sat her on the bed. I pecked her lips and walked to my closet

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