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Two weeks later
Im now in New York! I've been here for a week and it's beautiful, Tremaine actually never came I wanted to come alone and the pain of saying goodbye to everyone was so hard even though I'm coming back. Tremaine said he'll come see me every month or two months but I'm on my way to the head building to see the contract and see my new partner.  I feel like this could be a new start but I can't just drop Tremaine, I wanted to but that's my baby and maybe wen I get back everything would be better, I don't even wanna talk about it forreal. But when I get back, we might be living in Florida! Everyone is gathering money and moving to Florida..

Once we arrived I got out and walked in, went through security and they took me to the room where i wait til I get called.  I was so nervous because like... I just felt different, maybe because I was alone I knew Noone but o well right? 

"unique Peterson " they called, damn not even a minute and got pulled in, they sat me at a table and we got right to business

I sat with Mal at the trap, talking bout this football deal I got offered for next year.  I mean ever since Lil ma left,i been trying to get my future ready for myself you feel me? 

"You go drop the trap bruh?  This easy money, well for you anyways bru" Mal said lighting up a blunt

"I feel you I ain't go drop the trap but should I take this? "

" Hell yeah, but what about unique, what y'all doing? "

" We talked about it and we still go keep us tied down but we wanna see how this work, I might don't even see her, I don't know "

" Y'all relationship confusing as hell to me mane y'all jumped right in it all fast and shit " he laughed
"We got Dis, we go work it out if we really wanna make it work, we will"  I said rolling up my weed.

"pimp um... What is this? " I asked as I sat on the bed looking at a box with earrings,ring and necklace in it

" I thought I would get u something baby " he said

" Babe thank you so much!!! I love it " I said looking at him. He smiled and got on one knee ,clearing his throut

"I love you baby i love you and our baby.  I wanna have a future with you and I need you in my life forever. Will you marry me?" I nodded while tears leaked from my eyes. He smiled and hugged me, spinning me around

"Okay babe put me down, my stomach! " I said pushing him away and ran to the  bathroom and threw up, I don't understand why I'm still throwing up

"AWE" I see the baby is happy " he said walking in the bathroom. I held my chest as I threw up over the toilet

"Whatever " he picked me up and rubbed my back

"let's get you cleaned up" he said and kissed my cheek.

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