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~2 Weeks Later ~

It's been about two weeks after the whole thing went down with William and Tremaine and Me. I haven't seen William but he texts me saying he went away for some distance and he's sorry about hurting me. Me and Tremaine been kool like always but his girl got a real damn problem. I've been hanging with Erin a lot now. She is so down to earth, but a real bad ass. I mean bad as steal, run from the police and all. Marco and Marcus is a thing now, I seen that coming

Anyways it's a Tuesday and I've been a bit down lately, scared of people you could say. I was walking down the hallway and seen Tremaine and Darren against the lockers kissing. I held my books tightly against my chest and walked to class looking at the floor. My hair was swinging in my face.

"Hey Stranger! " I heard Marcus say. I nodded and walked pass him. Nobody never noticed my scars, tears, well Tremaine did and that let's me know who cares and don't. I walked in class and seen I was the first one there. We had a 100 question test yesterday, well two test in one and my teacher told us we was gonna do a worksheet off of a movie and then we have free time. I heard the bell ring and everyone walked into class. Ms Pam said goodmorning to everyone and people began to take their seats. I put my head on my desk because I couldn't get no sleep at all last night. The class phone rung and my teacher went to go answer it.

"Aye ain't you William head game girl? I heard u gave David head to. " some boy said behind me. Ooh that's another thing, there's a rumor saying I sucked someone dick in the bathroom. I don't know, everything hit bottom kinda quick. I rolled my eyes

"Hey unique, go to the office" Ms Pam said. I got up and heard Ole boy say "Got ass doe" I shook my head and walked down to the office. I walked through the doors and seen pimp there flirting with the principal. He always had a thing for her but she would never give him the time of the day.

I walked over to him and hugged him. He picked me up a bit and whispered "I'm sorry" in my ear. I didn't care I just couldn't let him go. After about three minutes of hugging. We talked a bit and he said that Tremaine was gonna give me a ride home and he'll see me later well that just made my day

I walked back to class and seen a note on my desk as I sat down . I opened it and seen someone drew a dick and it had my name beside it with hearts and a question mark. I sighed and balled it up and threw it and the boy behind me. I had a feeling he wrote it. I felt my phone vibrant in my pocket and seen a message from Erin

Erin-BadAss: Hay Boo

Unique : wassup?

Erin-BadAss:Nothing, you trying to hang after school?

Unique: sorry I'm not in the mood, I'm pretty sleepy and my day just began and I'm hating it so....

Erin-BadAss: Yeah whatever I'll be over later tonight, I got things to doo

Unique: don't get caught girl!!

Erin-BadAss: Very fucking funny I never get caught... Never that

I laughed and put my phone in my pocket. After thirty minutes of sitting in the class, hearing people laugh at me like something was funny the bell rung. I grabbed my books and walked out the class and upstairs to my geometry class. I walked in and sat in the back as my teacher put the warm up on the board. I took out my notebook and copied down the warm up. I solved all four problems under five minutes. By than the class was full and my teacher was going over it. I layer my head down and drifted off to sleep

I was sitting at the lunch table, eating with Darren on my lap. I wasn't focused on anything, I was looking around for unique but I ain't seen her and I know damn well she got this lunch. Darren grabbed my face and kissed me. I pulled away and looking around still trying to find her

"She's not here tre damn, acting like she your girl and shit" she whined. I patted her leg telling her to get up. When she did, I made my way out the cafeteria and wondered the halls til I found her. I seen her coming out the girls bathroom holding her neck. She shirt was ripped and I seen she was trying to hold back her tears. I jogged up to her

"What happened " I asked her

"Nothing I um.. Nothing" she said looking back as David walked out the girls bathroom. He winked at her and went the other direction. I walked over to him but unique grabbed my arm

"Let it go" she said

"What... Let it go? What the fuck did he do? "

" Nothing we had a talk and stuff. Just mind your business "

" You are my damn business "

" Nothing anymore, my brothers back so you don't need to babysit me anymore okay damn I'm good " she hissed holding her neck

" Move your hand" I said. She looked at me and walked away. I walked after her.

"Unique this ain't over. Tell me or I kill him. You want him dead? " I asked

"Why won't everyone just leave me alone. WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" she yelled

"You" I said and walked away. I just left the school grounds,feeling like shit. I don't even know what the hell just happened. The shit I was saying wasn't even making sense. Never been so confused about myself in so damn long. I could of killed his ass, I wanted to kiss her but sometimes shit just don't add up.

I walked in the door with August behind me. Her belly is getting a bit big. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV

"So Where is he? Where is prince? "she asked, talking about her baby daddy.

" He should be here soon. Make your self at home and I'll be in the kitchen making you a salad"

"Ooh yeah you did promise. Just lettuce and tomatoes " she said smiling at Me. I laughed and walked in the kitchen.

It's going on seven and it's pretty dark. I went for a walk after school to clear my head. I couldn't get what Tremaine said out my head,he wants me? Unique, no way. I can't see myself happy with No one because I always end up getting hurt so much so I just don't bother getting in another relationship. I walked up to the apartment and opened the door. I seen august on the couch eating a bowl of salad and my brother was no where in sight

"Unique, Hey boo" she said. I put on a fake smile and walked upstairs. I went right to my closet and grabbed my pink nightgown and made my way to the shower but someone was in the bathroom. I stood waiting for someone to come. A few minutes later prince walked out.

"Hey niq, I ain't seen u in a while " he said and hugged me.

" Yeah same here" I said and walked in the bathroom. I took off everything I had on and jumped in the shower. I laid my hands on the shower wall and felt myself about to cry. I don't know why I've been so moody but I can't blame myself. After 20 minutes I was finally finished washing myself. I turned off the shower and stepped out. I dried off and put on my nightgown. I walked in my room and crashed on the bed. I checked my phone and seen I had 5 messages from William and 2 missed calls from Tremaine. I shot him a text saying Goodnight and fell asleep.

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