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I rolled over on the comfy bed as the alarm clock rung in my ear. I hit the snooze button and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.  I seen it was 5:25am and looked pretty sunny outside,might as well go for a run . I have so much on my mind,why am I not freaking out I mean I've got kidnapped and beaten yet I'm acting like it never even happened. I made my way to the bathroom and showered for a good twenty minutes, once I was done I wrapped myself in a towel and walked over to the sink to brush my teeth.  I ran my fingers threw my hair as I spit out the mouth wash.  I walked to the side of my bed, yawning and grabbed all my shopping bags and dumped them on my bed.  I went threw some clothes until I found sports wear that was green and white, just a sports bra and tights. I put on my undergarments and then my work out clothes. After I was fully dressed, I combed my hair with my fingers and threw it in a quick ponytail. I grabbed my hotel key and walked out the room, downstairs, towards the lobby.  I greeted a few people and walked out the door. I took in a deep breath and began running down a alley. I ran over a small bridge and around corners.

~Hour later~
I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I walked up to a local park.  I sat on the bench and tried to catch my breath as kids ran to catch up with there buses.  I remember I was in elementary school and we got up so early it was stupid.  After my heartbeat calmed down I stood up and began walking back towards the hotel.

"What's wrong? " I heard a female voice yell

" This ain't right mane damn.  I'm confused ma, look this can't go on no more " Tremaine voice echoed

" Your telling me you don't want this? " the female asked grabbing her titties.  I rolled my eyes as Tremaine smirked

" Maybe one more time " he said stepping up towards her.  I shook my head and my heart sped up.  I leaned against the tree, still staring at them, my vision was blocked by my tears as they gathered in my eyes. I blinked and they rolled down.  I wiped my tears and looked across the street and seen Tremaine looking at me as the girl was hugged up on him.  More tears came down, heavier, I looked away and broke down crying, I was missing and he went and dated someone else, Forgot all about me like I didn't matter. 

"Niq" he said crossing the street towards me. I wiped my tears but every time I did, more would just fall.  I stood up straight and walked away from him

"Aye hol'up damn" he said gripping my arm

"Let me explain " he said

" NO need, you moved on, I get it but that's fucked up how I was missing and you over here fucking her. I hope your ass catch something " I yelled and slapped him then walked away. I heard him mumble something but I didn't pay attention to that.

I walked to the hotel and arrived in a hour.  I ran up to my room and went straight to the bathroom. I stared in the mirror and shook my head as I took out my ponytail, I can't believe he moved on, I Mean I can but why would he? I punched the wall out of anger and went to my bed and decided to go to school this morning, get my mind off of it all. I picked out a dark Grey high waisted pencil skirt and a grey sleeveless half shirt, I'm not the one to wear a skirt but it's hot as hell outside.  I jumped in the shower to freshen up and made sure I Shaved and did everything else.  It took about a 20 minutes and it was already going on eight.  I dried off and got dressed.  I flatten my hair bone straight and put on light pink lipstick that blended in, eyeliner, and mascara.  I put on my silver medium sized hoop earrings and sat on my bed and rubbed my legs down with lotion.  I looked threw my other bags that was under my bed and found me a pair of Grey flats. Once I put them on, I grabbed my black purse that had gold zippers on it and threw my hotel room key in it along with my iPad Erin bought me yesterday.  I put my makeup bag in my purse and made my way downstairs. I walked around 4 blocks to get to school, good thing I wore flats. I seen everyone walking in school, then I heard the bell.  I sighed and walked in towards the office.

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