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Unique has always been that girl that loved to be alone but at the same time didn't. She has a brother named pimp who's 19 and a thug. He took after his dad who was a thug leader his self but died of suicide. There father"James" killed himself after losing his wife(Kenya) from AIDS. Pimp raised his sister who was 12 at the time by his self. They lost there house and moved in a apartment because pimp didn't make that much to start with. Unique blamed herself for her father's death because she think she could have stopped him but there was no way she could have known what he was doing.

Years went by and she made friends, then lost friends in a blink of an eye. She thinks that everything, every death, every misunderstanding is her fault. She took after her mom by cutting. Her mom went through that stage when she was young but got saved by James who was her High-school sweetheart. Unique loved her mom with everything in her. But her mom made one mistake(Cheating) and caught AIDS, Unique wanted to help, she begged her mom to go get help because she was going through depression but her mom was nearly 39 years old and she didn't want the help. Now that Unique PETERSON is 15 going on 16 she wants to leave earth, leave all her memory's and problems behind but she can't. She tried cutting, hanging herself but every time she does there's pimp to save her. She doesn't like it but she won't give up.

Unique is 5'6 and lightskin with a nice shape body, nothing major. She's a C cup and a decent size butt. She has jet black eyes and dark eyebrows. She has black wavy hair that stops in the middle of her back when it's Flatten out. She has back dimples and loves to sing when she nervous.

Pimp is lightskin and has a square head with light eyes, light blue eyes and nice body with tats on his chest area. He loves his sister, might not look like it but he'll die in the place of unique

What will happen when she finds that one who keeps her happy, spirit up. Would she run or cling on

**Unique is a 16 year old girl, going threw a hard time living alone with her brother Pimp who is 19 and a thug. She keeps to her self because after her mom died from AIDS and her dad killed his self, she lost all her friends, her brother lost there house, now they live in a apartment. She wanted to leave the world, she knew there was nothing, no reason to stay any longer. She tried... She cut her wrist plenty of times, overdosed but nothing seemed to work. What will happen when she fell to realize there's something here after all***

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