Chapter Four | Around the Dinner Table (E)

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As I purposefully stared at this servant boy- wait, Prince, my perspective of the whole night was unanticipated. I continued to gape at Prince Brendan like I was struck with a sharp knife. A very sharp knife. Brendan had a constant smirk on his face, looking accomplished with himself.

Why was he in my room? Why didn't he just appear in front of me and annoyed me then and there? Is this some sick game to him? So many questions ran through my head, it gave me a little headache.

"The food is delicious, your Majesty." I gracefully said, picking up my dinner fork.

I admit that I was still astounded with the stunt the Prince pulled but I was glad his didn't mutter even a word to me after he took his place at the table.

"Thank you, Lyra." He grinned, taking his first dessert for the last course, "So where were you today? Brendan."

"You know, and there." Brendan nonchalantly mumbled as he grabbed his dinner fork, to eat his pudding.

I felt repulsed with the Prince. I mean...Prince Brendan is the first son, isn't he supposed to have a whole lot of etiquette? I suppose I was giving him the benefit of the doubt since he seemed to be lacking dinner etiquette. Come on, he didn't even know the difference between his dessert fork and his dinner fork.

"Where were you? I won't ask you again." The King warned, still eating little pieces of this slice of cake.

Brendan turned his head and gazed straight into my eyes, "I was with Sylvia."

"Why are you always with her?" the Queen began, sounding maddened.

My eyes widened, why is he looking at me with those beady eyes? And why was the Queen getting so irritated at the sound of Sylvia. Who's Sylvia? I focused on my dessert and tried my best to ignore the fight that was about to explode among the Royal Family.

How would I know a fight was going to happen? Easy...this situation was similar to Mother and I. We would start off by having a civilised conversation then something will set her off and she will react to a fire has erupted in our house.

"She's fun to be around. And the parties-" he trailed off.

"Parties? What parties?" the King demanded as the Queen dived in to finish off his sentence.

And while they were arguing, I was contemplating whether or not I wanted another slice of cake. It was delightful and what can I say...everybody loves cake. The first person to explode into hysterics was the Queen, she elegantly place her cutlery beside her dish and began he lecture.

The King sat there nodding and agreeing with his wife. I understood the reason why the Queen took the reins on this. The Queen had a way with lecturing people. Of course, she would yell and scream but then she would end the lecture with something reassuring, making the person feel at ease.

If the King was the one to give Prince Brendan a lecture, I'm afraid I may be overwhelmed with the strength and power in his voice. I've heard stories of the King screaming people, they don't end very well.

"I realise that you love spending time with Lady Sylvia and the other Demori Lords but you need to recollect yourself."

"I don't want to. I'm a young man. I have needs." Prince Brendan retorted.

"You have needs. Do you hear that, Clarissa? The boy has needs." The King raged, "I'm sorry, boy. I didn't realise your lifestyle wasn't up to snuff."

"It isn't. You two suffocate me. I can't breathe!" he explained.

The argument was getting intense, and I, the guest shouldn't be imposing on such an intimate topic. I decided not to go for a second slice. I held my hand up in the air and all three head turned to me. "I think I should go to my room. May I be excused?"

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now