(Pt I) Chapter Thirteen | Ball

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So did you guys hear about what Miley Cyrus said? I did and I am so angry about that. Enraged. What if someone said that about her music? Disappointed in her. The title of the chapter pretty much says it all. I hope you guys have had a good day.


A week had passed and our families had gotten along swimmingly. By swimmingly, I do mean positively, absolutely and outrageously well considering the fact that My Uncle had arrival a few days after with Ella. The Palace was lit up with the Demori clan.

James, Marcus, Sebastian and Alex were having the time of their lives with Prince Brendan and Lady Sylvia. Julian and his wife, Ella was here and there which meant that I would only see Julian a few times a day. Mamma and Father were always with the His and Her Highness, which left me all alone…yet again.

Jean would come and keep me company. Not that she was supposed to, but I was clever enough to talk her into it. You could say I locked myself in my room but whenever I got the chance, undetected and unnoticed by anyone; I would go and take a stroll in the gardens…sometimes unattended by the guards.

I didn’t look much into it because I hadn’t the slightest clue but I hadn’t seen anyone in a whole week. Being cooped in my room wasn’t so bad. I guess you could say that I had some time to find myself and straighten out my priorities. Being in the Royal House wasn’t so bad either. I was away from Mamma. That’s a first. And having some solitude was definitely more relaxing compared to the Lady Lessons Mamma has been forcing me to continue.

“Jean, would you mind bringing my dinner to my room?” I called.

Jean quickly responded, “I’m told to tell you that you’re expected at dinner tonight.”

I groaned. Fantastic, I now have to see Mamma’s unforgiving face. Lady Sylvia’s judging look. And Ella’s innocent plastered eyes for the rest of the night.. I’ll be honest here; I haven’t talked to anyone in this past week. It’s not like I chose to, it’s just that everyone is so preoccupied with something that I don’t have time to see them.

“It’s obligatory isn’t it?” I questioned, facing Jean.

She smiled at me apologetically and nodded. She tilted her head towards my bed, “I picked out a dress for you to wear.” I sheepishly walked to my bed and saw an intricate dress. Layers of lace overlapped on a petticoat basically a French robe à l'anglaise with a fashionable closed bodice, the intricate indigo floral embroidery matched the deep sapphire material.

It was beautiful. The dress was floor length and the sleeves were cuffed. I could go on and on about how the sapphire was close to matching the Royal House National colour but I was too preoccupied with the look on Jean’s face.

“Why so fancy?” I question again; intrigued that I had to wear a fancy dress for dinner.

Jean shrugged and composed herself. “Well, the King and Queen are throwing a ball tonight. In celebration of The Royal Family and your Family’s reunion.”

Jean seemed too excited for this. Was this her first time seeing a ball? No, she served Princess Aveline before she served me so this wouldn’t have been her first time. I continued to gape at her enthusiasm and the fact that the reason for this ball was to celebrate the strong bond of both of our families.

“That’s the reason?”

“Yes Miss Lyra.” Jean immediately answered.

We’ll see about that. I stormed out of my room and began searching for Mamma. She had to be around here somewhere. What if she was the one who suggested having the ball? No she wouldn’t. And Jean did say that His and Her Majesty were the ones throwing the damn thing.

From the countless libraries to the private studies, I searched high and low for Mamma’s whereabouts. I was almost out of breath until I heard Mamma and Ella talking to one another in the ballroom. Of course they would be here.

Waltzing in unannounced, I cross my arms and waited for Mamma to recognise my presence.

“Lyra! I’ve missed you. Where have you been?” Mamma bombarded in a heartbeat. Mamma left Ella’s side and rushed towards me, embracing me in her arms.

Surprised with her sudden approach, I quickly pushed Mamma away and glared at her. “Why aren’t you mad at me? Aren’t you mad at me?”

“No darling. Why wouldn’t I be mad?”

“Because I haven’t shown my face to anyone in a whole week.” I reminded her.

“It’s perfectly fine. I’m not mad.” Mamma assured, “What brings you down here? And why aren’t you getting ready for the ball. Did that servant girl tell you what I specifically instructed her to tell you?”

Angered by Mamma’s ignorance, I bit back. “That servant girl has a name. It’s Jean.”

Mamma acknowledged what I had said and nodded, “Well I’m sorry. I’ll remember to call her by her first name next time.”

What is wrong with Mamma? She would usually lecture me about having a close relationship with the staff but today was different. She was different. I crossed my arms and stared at her with determination. Something wasn’t right.

“Lyra, can you please change into that beautiful dress? There are some lovely people I want you to meet tonight.”

And there it was. There was always a catch with Mamma. Always. I could never recall a time where Mamma had asked me to do something without the terms and conditions. I should have known it was coming,

“I knew it.” I jumped straight in.

Mamma tried to have her say before I began my protest, “Lyra-”


“Lyra, please.” She pleaded as if it were on her life.

“Why do you want me to meet these people? Are trying to push me away? Or are you trying to marry me off into yet another powerful family just so that the Royal Family can have more power?” saying with every ounce of seriousness.

Ella was behind Mamma, gripping onto Mamma as if she was comforting her from my hurtful words. Oh please…like that’ll make Mamma feel any better. I saw a scroll of paper in Mamma’s hands, quickly snatching it out of her hands I untied the string and began to read the guest list.

Clearing my throat, I read aloud, “Gilligan Family. Batavian Family. Bostonian Family.”

The list went on. These families consisted of five or more children. Many of which were boys. And many of which were scattered across the lands. I’m not even a Lady yet! Why on earth would Mamma want me to meet these families if I clearly was not ready?

Ella beckoned, “Lyra, it’s just a simple ball that the King and Queen are putting together. There’s nothing to get upset about.”

“Ella.” I began, trying to figure out how I was going to compose myself. “I know you mean well. Being married to Julian, I’m your sister in-law and all. But this does not concern you. It doesn’t.”

“Lyra. Don’t be rude to your sister.” Mamma defended.

I cringed at Mamma’s words, “She’s not my sister. I barely know her.”

I looked to Ella in an apologetic look, she smiled and nodded. Well it was true. I handed the scroll back to Mamma and deeply sighed in frustration. It would’ve taken a long time to talk myself out of it so there was nothing I could do but endure it.

“I’ll do it.” I finally said after a long time of deliberation.

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now