(Pt II) Chapter Nine | Unveiled

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So I'm feeling nice again....I know it's short but I promise next chapter will be better!

Seriously...I'm need a getaway. I need to go to another country preferably Korea so I can see my boys (a.k.a EXOOOOOO~!)


And as I said that, the Prince froze. No movement were detected, not a single breath left him. The smile on his face disappeared and small beads of sweat started to form on his forehead.

“How did you know?” a chilling tone passed through me.

“I’ve never seen you dance, not even when you came to my house.” I smugly answered, not sounding judgemental.

Prince Brendan switched off his scared side and turned to me, “What are you doing to do? Embarrass me?”

Please…I’m not that harsh. “Don’t you remember what we agreed on? I’m going to teach. I’m going to fix you.”

And as I said that, I didn’t know whether to start planning his lessons or panning it out randomly. No…I wasn’t like that, I liked being précised. Concise. I had no other choice but to tell him who he was going to spend most of his time with. It’s not like I want to tell him but I had to because I don’t want to seem like I was neglecting our deal.

The Prince scoffed in distrust and turned his attention back on Sebastian and Sylvia. Shocked my his disinterest I walked right in front of him, “Starting tomorrow you’ll will wake up at nine and we shall start the first of the many lessons you’ll be taking.”

“What? Lessons?” the Prince sceptically repeated.

“Yes, lessons. We both made a deal…remember? I’ll teach you, train you and turn you into a better Prince and in return you help me get out of here.” I reiterated.

He nodded in agreement but asked again, “I don’t understand the ‘lessons’ part.”

Oh dear me…you really are tired. I laughed, “Lessons. One lesson will be this, one lesson will be that. Your first lesson with me will be dancing. Or do you want something a little easier?”

“I don’t care what we do…as long as you don’t make me the laughing stock.” He muttered.

“Will you stop with that? Stop thinking about yourself just for once. You’re lucky enough that I’m helping you!”  I uttered under my breath. “What about you? Will you keep your promise? Will you get me out of here?”

The Prince kept quiet. I didn’t know what to say…was this a joke to him? I genuinely wanted to get out of the Royal House. I need to go somewhere else, a place where I knew a familiar face. Tell me honestly…

“Yes I will. If that’s what you want then I will help you. It’s not like a want you here either.” The Prince finally broke, “That’s my honest answer.”

A wave of relief flew over my head. I was surprise at first but I felt the Prince’s honestly through those last few words. I didn’t want to seem it but I did and without a doubt it made me look like a complete fool. But I didn’t care but this was the first time the Prince said something in full honesty.

“Then let the training begin.” I smiled in cheekiness.

All of a sudden, the double doors of the ballroom flung open, the Prince and I slowly turned our heads to see my parents walking along with his parents.

“What are your parents doing here? I thought they weren’t arriving until next week. Why are they here so early?” the Prince asked me, turning back to me.

“I have no idea.” I confessed, meeting his eyes.


Wanna hear another joke? No? Okay, fine...I'll tell you guys the joke in my next Author's Note. WHICH LEADS TO: my next Author's Note will be about me...ish.

What I mean is, you'll find out more about me. How old I am. What nationality. Where I live... And all that jazz! Please look forward to it.

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now