(Pt I) Chapter Six | Visitors

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No...it couldn't be. I was just thinking about them. I marched towards their voices, as their voice grew louder and louder, I knew I was close.

"Lyra! Where are you?" I took a peek down below.

Four beautiful boys were down at the stairs doing what normal boys were prone to do. Creating havoc, touching things they knew they weren't supposed to touch. Ah...my dear cousins may be Lords but they do know how to have fun. Marcus and Sebastian were playing around the curtains while James went over to scold his younger brothers. Alex was sitting on the last few steps of the stairs, looking dazed as ever.

"YOUR COUSINS ARE HERE TO SEE YOU! Where on earth is that girl?" Marcus asked James.

Sebastian cut Marcus off and answered his question. "Who knows? She and the Prince may already be at each other's throats."

I shook my head and took a moment to collect myself; I graciously glided down the stairs as I always would. My smile grew wider and wider as I reached my final step. Alex turned around a beamed at me.

"Lyra!" Alex greeted as Marcus and Sebastian ran to me.

"Hi, boys." I yelped as Marcus and Sebastian picked me up to throw me in the air.

Great...I had a dress on and they were throwing me up in the air. At each throw, each inhale was refreshing, giving me a jolt of excitement. "Boys...put me down, please."

"Anything for our little Lyra," Marcus grinned, as he ruffled me hair.

As they gently placed me back on my feet, I evened out my dress and fixed up my hair. Uncle must be very happy that his boys are out of his hair. I looked at my dear cousins, standing in front of me in a straight line. Each boy, having the same characteristics but gave off a different aurora. James; the brave and just, had the title of being the accountable one. Marcus; the charming and gallant, always giving off a boyish attraction, like something about him was left to be discovered. Sebastian; the most charismatic and strong, his smile and skills would attract even the most uncouth ladies of the Kalkaska. And there was Alexander, who he preferred everyone called him Alex. He was timid, but he was the shrewdest out of the four.

"Why on earth are you boys here?" I shook my head.

"We're here to check up on you. And also to visit the Prince." James noted as he pushed his brothers aside to kiss me on the cheek.

"So..." Marcus asked as he got his turn.


"How has the first two weeks been?" Sebastian continued as he was next.

"Horrible. I decided to confine myself to my room." I answered when I turned to Alex.

Alex came in with a hug, rocking me, side to side. "Have you two..." Alex trailed off, looking at his brother for some assistance.

Sebastian coughed, "Seen each other. Have you two seen each other?"

It's not as if my cousins were nosy, they were just concerned. And Prince Brendan is a close friend of theirs but as everyone always says, blood is thicker than water. Family always came first and I guess they just wanted to make sure that I was alright.

"Yes boys. I'm alright." I convinced.

Disbelieving, Alex stepped forward. "Are you sure? It wouldn't surprise me if he pulled some sort of trick on you."

I smiled, Alex...you sly thing. I led them to the nearest private room and waited for them to seat themselves. It was quite suitable, a cosy room, not too big...not too small. With a wall filled with books, no space left unfilled.

"You boys promise not to react?" I politely asked, fluttering my eyes.

"Promise." James, Alex and Sebastian said at the same time.

I looked over to Marcus and eyed him down, allowing him to answer. He grinned, exposing his pearl white teeth at me, "What they said."

"His Majesty disguised himself as a servant boy and served me...in my room." I let it out, sounding more annoyed now that I had to recall that awful memory.

I waited for their reaction, and as I did, I got up and ran my fingers along the aligned books. Each book, untouched, no dust had been collected. The boys leaned back, and began to talk amongst themselves. What was there to talk about? It's not like they don't know how the Prince behaves. And I'm quite certain that he bad mouths about me in front of them.

"How did you find out that it was him?" Sebastian further investigated, standing up.

I turned around, eyeing him. "He revealed himself."

"This type of behaviour doesn't surprise me." Marcus coughed, crossing his legs with an attitude.


"Lyra...now that you're here; he'll get every chance to mess with you. Whether it's disguising himself or ignoring you. He'll do it to rile you up." James clarified, nodding at Marcus.

For once...couldn't they just comfort me? Telling me that I should be expecting more torment from him was not helping. I held my icy smile and continued my exploration on the books. Alex shook his head, "You look pale. Have you not met the sun?"

"Yes. I haven't met the sun. I told you...I confined myself to my room. The only person I talk to is my maid but she's too petrified to talk to me. So I have no one." I confessed, sounding miserable.

They all look at me with the same face of sympathy. Sebastian came over to hug me while James, Marcus and Alex frowned at each other.

I ignored their sibling telepathy, "But I have you boys now. Which makes me question; how long are you going to stay with me?"

"I want to say 'we'll stay as long as you like' but we're only staying until mid-spring." Sebastian breathed, waiting for my reaction.

To be honest, I was willing to take whatever I was given. The Demori Lords were going to stay here and keep me out of trouble and let's be truthful here; I'm the one who will be keeping them out of trouble.

"That's alright." I lied, burying my face in a book I picked up.

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now