Chapter Thirty | Gone Back

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Yes, "a few days" turn into almost two weeks. I'm sorry. I have a valid reason. I WENT TO JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE'S 20/20 CONCERT and let me tell you it was beautiful. He was there, he sang all of his old songs and I was screaming and jumping up and down like crazy. I died a little inside and almost cried. Don't's friggin' Justin Timberlake.

If you guys want to see some clips from the concert then follow me on Instagram: xdeannaaxx


As soon as the song ended, I ran for the doors, angered at Prince Brendan’s direct command. Why would he do that?  I turned a corner and see the entrance to Talia’s courtyard. Make a run for it, Lyra.

“Don’t try and make a run for it, Lyra.” Prince Brendan stalked.

“Well I’m going too!” I foolishly answered back.

The air was thick and humid. I could already feel beads of sweat falling down the side of my face. It was dark, I prayed that he wouldn’t see me. I realised it was a bad idea to go outside and still my legs carried on. I divert my attention behind me to see if I was still being followed but I’m only surprised when I inelegantly ran into Prince Brendan’s arms.

“Why-” All words are taken from me as he compellingly planted his lips on mine.

I let him. My body completely let him in. My mouth allowed him to invade mine; reminding me that my feelings for him were still there and those two months of denying him were lies. No, this can’t happen. I forgot about my fears and worries and I raised my arms to Prince Brendan’s neck. It was seamless; it was as if we were on the same wavelength. Prince Brendan dragged the both of us behind Talia’s hedges and there we stayed, kissing each other and giggling to one another. Making slights moans here and there for desperation.

“I have missed you.” Prince Brendan whispered, taking two of his hands to cup my cheeks.

I didn’t know what to say. After we had stopped, I was back to this conflicted state of mind. I knew deep down that I felt something for him, but Prince Brendan will be King soon and I cannot be the one that puts Prince Brendan’s title at risk. Why didn’t I stop this in the beginning?

“Why are you still silent? Prince Brendan frowned.

“What are we doing, Brendan?” I placed my hand on his chest.

“I don’t know.” he truthfully answered, “But I know that whatever it is, I want to do it with you.”

I basically put, “It is not that simple. No matter who you are. No matter how powerful you are, you cannot always get what you want.”

Prince Brendan was anxious, I know he was. No matter how hard he tried to conceal his true emotions, Prince Brendan sighed in the most apprehensive tone. I stepped out of his squeeze and purposefully made much needed distance between us. Two months had passed since we last saw one another. That was a lot of time. Enough time to change someone, good or bad, but through that past time, I realised how much of an impact we had on each other and jumping back into this endless routine would not help anyone.

“I’m sorry.” Prince Brendan murmured.

How many meanings could the word sorry have? Sadness and wounds, misunderstanding and reflection or regret and reconciliation. There are countless of emotions inside that one powerful word.

I smiled, “That makes the both of us then.”

Prince Brendan laughed along with me, leaning against my opposite hedge. One glance was all it took for me to know that what we had said to one another; we had meant it.

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now