(Pt II) Chapter Fifteen | Answered

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Please PLEASE do not plagarise. Or I find you and I will follow you to the ends of the earth and damn you to the seven pits of hell.

If you guys find any story that is (LITERALLY) a copy of my story or a story that sounds like my original story, can you please link me the story or notify me? I, for one, dislike copycatters and I wil not stand for it.


From all the moans of pain or pleasure whichever you call it, coming from Prince Brendan's room one called definitely tell that they were more than friends.

It seems that Prince Brendan has invested all of his time with Lady Sylvia. Should I jump to conclusions or wait for an explanation from the Prince himself?

"Lyra?" Mamma murmured, lightly placing her hand on my shoulder.

I shook her off, "Nothing Mamma. Just lost in my train of thought."

The King rubbed his belly, "Well I think it is best if the children go off and-"

"Yes...I think you should let the adults discuss some adult things." Uncle Eugene laughed, throwing his napkin onto the table.

Do I have to leave? From the looks of it, it seems like the boys want to haul me. Pushing back my chair, I curtsied to the adults before following the boys out. What's going to happen now? Am I to go back to my room and stay there for the rest of the night? Hoping, dreaming and waiting for the day I leave this place. Or spend my remaining hours with the boys and hope that they explain why they're angry at me.

The door behind us closed, waiting for the right time for me to leave I look to Marcus for an opening. With nothing to offer, I turned my head around to James, ignoring me like it depended on his life, I shifted my whole body to Sebastian and Alex who were having their own conversation.

What happened? Did I do something last night, to make them annoyed at me? The boys were rarely mad at me. If they were, then it only meant that I did something gravely wrong. But what it is? Pouting like a child, I threw my hands up in the air and walked forward briskly.

"What did I do this time?"

"Nothing. You did nothing." Marcus quickly assured me, coming forward to me.

Sebastian held him back and stared at me with an immense look of distress. They were pausing, using cryptic messages with nods and eye twitches and discrete gestures. It's as if they're treating me like a child, which I am. But I'm sure I can handle it compared to other girls.

"No. Tell me what I did so we can get this over with." I demanded. Looking to Alex who I knew was going to break sooner or later.

I stood there recalling my steps last night, what did I do? Or was it something I said? But I would've known what I said unless I...no. It hit me, I drank last night. I knew what I was doing because I was, I don't know, frustrated with what Daniel had said about me. I drank more than I could handle.

I winced and bowed my head down. "Did I drink last night?"

"Yes." James answered forthrightly.

"How much?"

All four boys joined in, "Too much."

"Lyra, do you even remember how you got to your room? How you miraculously changed into your night gown and wrapped yourself up into your bed?" Alex questioned, almost sounding like he was belittling me.

I looked at him in utter shock. I didn't remember how I got there. There's something missing, I know it. I shivered at the thought.

"Answer me truthfully." I gaze at each one of them, "Did anyone take advantage of me?"

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now