(Pt I) Chapter Fifteen | Answered

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Boring and bland? Did that have anything to do with Daniel punching the Prince? Disappointed that I didn’t get a straight answer, I paced back to the ballroom and pondered about what I was to do next, seeing that all the familiar faces were still in Prince Brendan’s study room.

Walking back into the room filled with laughter and appealing fun, the King and Queen waited for silence. I could slightly hear Lady Sylvia’s irritating laugh, although I don’t know why she irritates me. I glance of to where she was situated and found that she’s was looking at me like I was her prey. Look somewhere else, your Ladyship. It took a while seeing that the King didn’t budge or even call for silence. After a short period of waiting I grabbed a glass of champagne and waited for the King to begin his speech.

“We are here to celebrate the long union between my family and the Demori’s. Eugene and Nathaniel’s father and my father, King Robert, even our great grandfathers have known of each other. This family has always been here by our side. Always. So here is to three generations of friendship and amity. And many more to come.”

The King raised his glass in the air and wholeheartedly beamed at Uncle Eugene and Father. More to come? Please. Taking a swipe of the whole glass, I already felt the champagne working its way to my head. That was the wrong thing to do. The cool elixir danced its way down my throat and began closing up. Hiccups were beginning to take over me and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.

What’s happening to me? Am I drunk? Over one glass? I must have a low tolerance… You’d think that a smart girl like myself would stop and try and rehabilitate myself but no, one drink came after another until I phased out or maybe I think I did.

No...I didn’t because I felt a strong pair of hands hold onto me. Holding onto me, almost as if I was about to slip into a deep stage of unconsciousness. I raised my head to see the Prince staring into my eyes intently. “Unhand me!”

“No you’re obviously not in your right state of mind.”

“I most certainly, undoubtedly am in my state of right!” I complained, hoping to change his mind.

As slurred as my words were, Prince Brendan stretched out his lips, revealing those pearly white teeth. I felt my head fall backwards.

“I can see what Julian was talking about.” He muttered, laughing to himself.

“Oh Brendan…I have something to tell you.”


Waking up in the morning to what seemed like a disturbance in Mother Nature itself was tiring. It had been only a few hours since Julian had left with Ella. It was, how do you say, difficult? I didn’t even go to see him off.

After I had left Prince Brendan’s study, yesterday night went by pretty quickly; I went into the Royal gardens alone and stay there for the quiet. Wait, did I do that? What happened to me? Jean told me that Julian meant to see me but Mamma and Father told him it was best to leave me alone. For once, they were right.

James, Marcus, Sebastian and Alex have been off in the core of the Palace doing god knows what and Prince Brendan and I…well, let’s just say that I’ve been trying to avoid him. And I’ve been pretty lucky, its been almost half a day and I have not seen or heard his irritating voice, so by the time we ate dinner with the King and Queen, he was never there.

“So how did you like it?” Mamma whispered to me as I continued to eat my poached fish.

“Like what?”

“The ball! Has anyone caught your attention?” Mamma pressed.

“Amara, leave the poor girl alone. She’s only seventeen. Let her have her fun.” Uncle Eugene said, winking at me after he had finished.

Times like these, I was thankful to have Uncle Eugene around. You can obviously tell where the boys inherited their witty and alluring charms from. If I had the choice, which I don’t, I would go and live with Uncle Eugene.

“Not anyone in particular, no.” I answered, ending the topic quickly. “Have you heard from Julian yet?”

Mamma shook her head, “No.”

“And?” I held, waiting for Mamma to elaborate.

“I’m sure they arrived back home safely. Julian is fine and Ella is fully healthy.” Mamma told me.

Ella is fully healthy? When did I ever ask for Ella? Did I ask about Ella? I scoffed in pure disgust and continued with my dinner. Looking up from my plate, I saw all four pairs of eyes staring down at me. Oh my…that scared me. Without a second to register I clumsily dropped my fork in shock,. making an awful sound as it hit the fine china.

“Are you alright, Lyra?” The Queen asked me, concerned with the expression on my face.

 “Yes, you’re Majesty. I’m fine,” I assurred her with a polite nod..

I looked to Mamma apologetically and shrugged. Mamma shook her head, “What was that about?”

I glared over at the boys, “They were staring at me. Fiercely.”

Mamma looked up to glare at the boys. Each boys averted their gaze and continued eating away their dinner. I shook my head in confusion and waited for all of them to look back at me. But they didn’t. Not one boy took a glance. What was that about?

“James, do you know where Prince Brendan is?” His Majesty boomed grumbly.

“Prince Brendan’s whereabouts, I do not know, you’re Highness.” James replied contritely.

“Perhaps Lyra might know.” Alex suggested nonchalantly, causing me to frown at him.

How in the world would I know where Prince Brendan would be?  Taking a deep breathe before shooting Alex a deadly scowl, I turned to the King and smiled, “He might be accompanying Lady Sylvia.”

“She’s quite the Lady, now isn’t she?” The Queen commented, causing Mamma to laugh along with her.

“Yes I haven’t had the chance to formally meet this Sylvia Amiras.” Father joined.

Dazed, Uncle Eugene held, “Amiras? I’ve never heard of that Family name before.”

“She’s foreign.” The King and Queen replied in unison.

Upon gaining sudden interest in the conversation, I asked in a heartbeat. “Foreign? How so, you’re Majesty?”

She wasn’t from here. How not-so surprising. I counted down the seconds until someone had answered my simple question. Lady Sylvia. Lady Sylvia of the Amiras family. She might be of some importance but not here, not to me.

I felt a twinge of happiness in this news. But why? I must admit, that I wasn’t comfortable with the fact that Prince Brendan was with her. She must be telling all sorts of stories and fibs about me. But why would I care? Poisoning him, has done enough to ruin my image…right? Convincing my own state of mind was a hard thing to do. I found myself caring about this light topic. Why do I care? Why am I caring!

The Queen finally answered me, “She’s here on visit. If you can call it that.”

“Pardon, you’re Majesty?” I responded, all these cryptic answers weren’t doing anyone good. Especially me.

“She’s been here in Kalkaska for almost two years now. Our little Brendan was intrigued with her, they’ve been acquainted ever since.” The King concluded.

I wouldn’t say they were friends. I would say…dancing buddies? From all the moans of pain or pleasure -whichever you call it - coming from Prince Brendan’s room, one could definitely tell that they were more than friends.


So...yeah...you now know that Lady Sylvia and Prince Brendan...well....let's just leave it at that.

There's more steamy encounters to come! So don't worry. And yes! The kiss will be discussed...soon...let's hope.


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