Chapter Twelve | Blood Relations

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MASSIVE COMBACK!!!! I made this chapter EXTRA long just for you guys! (...No seriously, I did...) Anywho! My tests were okay. I have two more then I'm FINISHED!!! YAY!~

My fellow readers, your comments is what's keeping me going so please comment and tell me how you feel. I like connecting with you guys!


I fasten my pace, running in a dress is hard, I’ll give you that but running in a dress while its summer is another different story. I jumped into Julian’s arms and felt his arm tighten around my waist.

“I miss you.” I cried in his neck.

“And I, you.” Julian beckoned.

“You can do much better than that, Julian.” I grumbled, as he place me back on my feet.

I smiled at him. The sight of him, a familiar face. Someone to comfort and properly protect me. Sorry boys, you may be quadruplets but you still are close friends of the Prince. No one can do a better job than my dear brother.

“Should I try again?” he asked, squinting his eyes.

I nodded, jumping up and down like a child. Julian sheepishly grinned and bowed down on one knee. “I missed thy beautifully handsome sister and her goat face!”

The smiled on my face completely vanished. Julian got back up and pinched my cheeks playfully. I rubbed him off aggressively, “I hate you.”

Julian corrected me, “You love me.”

“I do love you. But I hate you. You haven’t seen your dear sister in almost three weeks and you show up today and call her a handsome goat? How ungentle-manly of you.”

“I did say beautiful.” Julian brushed my discourse off and took my arm to link it around his, “So are you going to introduce me to your friend?”

“She’s not my friend.”

“Oh?” Julian said, giving me a puzzled look.

“She just threatened me.” I smiled, at how absurd she sounded a few moments ago.

“Well, those who threaten my baby sister, threaten me. And I shall be a manic person to those who threaten us.” He informed me, leading me to where I had left Lady Sylvia.

I told him gently, “She’s a Lady.”

“You’ll be one soon enough. Don’t worry.” Julian quickly added before we reached Lady Sylvia.

“Hello, I’m Julian Demori. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Julian told Lady Sylvia as he took her hand and lightly kissed it.

That is grotesque. Lady Sylvia, who was clearly mesmerised, by Julian’s godly perfection was lost for words. I couldn’t blame her, if I was Lady Sylvia I’d swoon as well. I watched her facial expressions. From shocked to a trifle state.

“Oh the pleasure is all mine, Julian Demori. I’ve heard a lot about you. All the ladies have heard a lot about you. How do you know Lyra?” Lady Sylvia asked, sneaking a piercing glare at me.

Julian, being the quick charming man that he is, saw what Sylvia did and cupped my face to kissed my forehead, “She’s my little sister. Didn’t you know?”

“You’re sister?” Lady Sylvia’s shocked expression escalated, “Then that means your cousins with the boys?”

I didn’t know if Lady Sylvia was stating that or asking a question but I might as well answer it, “Yes…they are my cousins.”

[BOOK ONE] Training Prince Arrogant (INTENSE EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now