Chapter 23

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Hailey's P.o.v.

It's dark now and they still aren't back. I know I shouldn't worry, but my boyfriend is out there with flesh eating freaks. I know we spent all winter on the road, but still. I hear footsteps and low whispering. I run down the stairs, into the cafeteria. I run to Carl and hug him. He hugs back and I pull away.

"Did you guys find what you needed?" I ask. He nods.

"Yeah, I should go give these crutches to Hershal." He says picking up the crutches from the table.

"He's asleep. We can show him them tomorrow."

He places them back on the table and unzips his bag.

"Guess what I got?" He asks digging through his bag.
If he pulls out a box of condoms I'm going to slap him. He smiles as he pulls out yellow Gator Aid. My favorite.

"Yes!" I scream grabbing it from him.
"I haven't had this in forever."

He laughed and grabbed more from his bag. My eyes grew so wide I swear they could pop out.

"I thought you would want it."

"Thank you. Did you guys get the gas for the generator?" I ask setting the Gator Aid on the table.

"Oh yeah! A shit load. Speaking of that I should go help them bring the tins in. Can you take my bag to our cell, I'll be up there in a bit." He says giving me a quick kiss before walking outside. I put all the Gator Aids back in his bag and walk up to our cell. I sit his black duffle bag type bag on the little desk. I then get in bed and cover myself up. I close my eyes and picture myself in nine years. Carl and are married with kids.
I hope that happens. I shouldn't be thinking about that though, we may never be married or have kids. We could die tomorrow for goodness sakes.
Well...a girl can dream.

"Is my love alseep?" I hear Carl ask as he walks into our cell. I smile and laugh.


He laughs and I open my eyes. He takes off his shirt and pants, leaving him in only boxers. Carl crawls into bed and covers himself up. I wrap my arms around his torso and kiss his chest. I trace my finger along the scar that the bullet and surgery made. The scar that looks absolutely perfect on him. I kiss it softly.

"I love you." I say to him. He leans down a bit and kisses my head.

"I love you too."


"Oh my God! Really?!" I scream.

"Yeah, everything works now. Electricity, Water, you name it. Maggie also found some shampoo and conditioner at one of those houses we scavenged, so if you want to take a shower, you're all set."

It's about sometime in the afternoon and I'm the happiest person in the world. I run to my cell and wake up Carl. He groans and sits up.

"What?" He asks.

"Your dad and the others got the generator working." I say smiling. His eyes grow wide.

"Oh and Carl..." I say getting some jeans and a black tank top and a towel.


"I call first shower!" I yell running down the stairs. I hear Carl yells in frustration. I giggle and look back. He's running after me. I look away and run faster into the tombs. I run to the shower room. Carl runs in shortly after.

"I can take one and you can take the one next to me."

The walls separating the showers are tall enough so he can't see over them. Well I mean, I hope so. This boy grows every damn day, it's crazy.

The Love Of A Boy |C.G.| Where stories live. Discover now