Day 10

46 0 0

4:00 pm

Im-a riding tonight! I'm super nervous but really excited. I haven't ridden in ages and I am actually scared because last time I rode was when I had a barn that didn't care rally about the horses, more about the money. I really hope this barn is better and ya... They are a Morgan based barn... I suppose I'm most afraid of looking like an idiot... i'll update you guys on how it went... cz I have to go soon...

6:22- 6:25 pm

Well then... I rode. Morgans galore and a dog that hates me.. yay! The Morgans were so cute! So I rode Mr B a black Morgan and he is a brat... as in trying to get him to canter involved me falling off because he is a lady's man and went after Strawberry... WTF dude! Don't changed directions sharply you idiot!

It was an amazing ride though.. My mum's alergic to horses so she ended up having to leave and now I get to ride on friday too... YAY!

K I'm done Night guys

Rock on my awesome friends

Rating 9

-Medusa out

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