What if

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What if I told you that I am going to see the guidance counselor at my school with Canisa.

What if I told you I am terrified to do so

What if I told you that I want to back out but know I shouldnt

What if I told you that my nightmares are back

What if I told you that I havent had a full nights sleep in over 3 months

What if I told you that I want to end it all tonight

What if I told you that I'm sick of my life

What if I told you that I'm done with this

What if I told you that I love you all, but farwell

What if I told you that I want to get better but don't know how

What if I told you that I'm terrified of what my parents will think

What if I told you that I want to talk to a counselor but dont know where to begin

What if I told you that as soon as I get a counselor, I have a plan to get rid of my blades?

What if I told you that only two people know I cut and thats Canisa and someone else.

What if I told you that please keep it a secret

What if I told you I'm trying so hard to fix it but its not working

What if I told you I will get better, but maybe now isnt the time

What if I told you thank you for being there.

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