Abby you better be happy

30 1 0

So, in the past couple weeks/months, I have been eating a lot less. I tend to eat less than 1,000 calories a day, and that makes my friend unhappy. But today I made everyone who knew happy. I ate something. I had a grilled cheese sandwich and salad. I had a milk and ya. It was to be honest great to see the look on her face when I ate. Saddening, I binged the entire afternoon from 3-4. I had a bowl of cereal and a breast of fried chicken. So ya. 

Health today was a total nightmare. One of the girls said with the most disgusted look on ehr face (describing one of the people in the video) she's a cutter. With a horrid tone. and theat made me feel like crap. I hated it. What does she think. Its easier to feel pain than to feel it but not know why. I hate her right now. 

Night all

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