Day 14

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Well that went better than I expected. I rode and I ended up doing not half bad... Mr. B is all like energy monster! and didn't throw me this time. There is a horse named studley... IT IS NAMED STUD LEY!

Sorry gotta go over that. I think that I did't piss anyone off that much, except the mothers of hte girls riding with me cz I went to canter and the other girls couldn't do that. HAHA SUCK IT YOU PRISSY WOMEN! My purple hair was more visible today and after that display of riding, the mothers saw my hair and gave me the look of, 'eww she has her hair dyed'... I do more work than you. I control horses, lift saddles, pick feet and the list goes on. Wanna fight bitch?

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ROCK ON! Never let anyone bring you down

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