1: A New Home

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August 13, 2013

I sat in the back seat of my parents SUV with my headphones in my ears and reading a book on my ipad. I love reading so much, it's like a movie in your head. Actually when I grow up I want to become a writer, I write poems or uh songs? I dunno if you could call them songs or poems even, they're more like short stories. I took a break from reading, and pulled out an ear-bud to look out the window as my dad came out of the house in his blue t-shirt and baggy jeans, carrying the last box and placing it in the moving truck. My mom was giving the movers the directions to our new home which is a few hours from what I call home. It's about four to six hours away from the tall buildings and busy streets, I guess you could say its the country. A lot of wide open spaces forests and nature, I know any other teen anger my age would be dreading being away from all the shopping malls, theaters and all that stuff teen agers like. But really all I need is a few books on my iPad, music and my kitty Candace. I do most of my shopping on line anyways, the stores never really have the type of clothing i like, and if they do its highly over priced, not that i cant afford it. i mean my mom is going to be the producer of a weather channel... That's the main reason why we're leaving, she got a promotion upstate.

I look forward to hearing the sound of crickets chirping outside of my window and the sound of the wind whispering through the trees. The only thing or uh person I would miss is my gramma Heather, we lived in the same building and I would always pay her a visit after school, to tell her how the populars tormented another kid. She'd always laugh and damn them all, which I found useless because I believe in a little something called Karma. What goes around comes around.. "Gemmy!" My mom called out to me as she walked over holding Candace in her carrying case. I opened the door to take the carrier from her and I placed it in the seat beside me. "Ready Gem?" My dad climbed into the drivers seat, my mom following after in the passenger seat. I smiled broadly, "ready as ill ever be" I said enthusiastically. As we began our long drive to our new home, all I could think about was starting new in a place where hopefully other kids my age don't focus to much on the superficial aspect of things..


The warm August weather keeping the house as humid and dusty as usual, I sit up in the tower room which used to be my room and stare out the window just watching people live their lives. Actually I sit here and watch the high school kids walk home, it's weird all those years I spent waiting to get out of high school I actually miss it.. Maybe not the actual school but the people.. well one in particular. My only real friend, Nick. He was in 10th grade when I was a senior, and now I think he's going to be a senior.. wow time flies.. Well not really because it feels like i've been stuck in last year but I guess that's normal when you don't get older with every year.. It was a week before school started again and I couldn't wait to see Nick pass by my house. I'd stare out the window in hopes that by some chance he would see me, but that's impossible. I'm just as non-existent as I was when I was alive, although once on his way to school he stopped to look up at me... or my window I guess I should say. I thought he'd seen me and I waved but he didn't wave back.. He just stood there and was gone in a matter of seconds, I cried at seeing my only friend walk away. I never really got to say bye when i died, and I guess that's what I regret the most.. I never got to say goodbye to anyone really, I didn't think they cared but being sentenced to remain on this earth with the living and watching the people who I thought didn't care about me suffer; Made me realize that dying wasn't something I should have wanted.. But I can't do anything about now can I? 

I let my head fall back and rest against the wall, the dusty room had no affect on me considering I wasn't alive.. I could sit here all week waiting for school  to start, I mean I have nothing better to do.. I was ready to sentence myself to this very position in anticipation but the sound of muffled voices and several footsteps coming from downstairs distracted me. I swear if it's those misfit kids coming to try to vandalize my house again I'll do more than just scare them off. I got up in fury and made my way to down the flight of stairs that was the entrance to my old room and to the second landing. I stood at the top of the stairs looking down before making my appearance. The anger I had inside had quickly dissipated when I saw it was a couple, they were carrying in boxes and laughing with one another. They looked happy and so full of life, and for a second it reminded me of my parents before my dad had died. I missed him.. I thought that I'd be able to be with him now like it usually works in the movies but no.. I haven't seen or heard from him since I died. Maybe it's because I'm stuck here.. I don't relly remember this house being on the market

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